Chapter 7 - "Well, do you know anything?"

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2 days later - Monday morning
Lizzy POV

"Guys have any of you seen Rosie?!" I asked the girls. I was getting extremely worried as I hadn't heard from Rosie since Friday when she got suspended.
    "Lizzy Cavanaugh. Please stop stressing out all the time!" Said Sapphy laughing to herself.
    "Lizzy. Don't worry. Remember she is suspended and she said that she'll be back on Wednesday," Camryn answered as she tried to calm me down.
    "Yeah but we always talk throughout the weekend. She hasn't texted or called me whatsoever. Plus on Saturday she was meant to come to mine and sleep round but she didn't show up! I'm panicking!" I replied exasperated.
    "It is a bit weird. Rosie is mysterious though. Last week I had a massive deep chat with her and she seemed super tense. I don't know what's going on." Brontë replied.        
Brontë is so quiet and just observes everything. She reads people like a book and when she said that I knew something had happened to Rosie.
    Just as I was about to reply to Brontë, Principal Taylor's voice boomed through the speakers.
    "Can Elizabeth Cavanaugh, Brontë Fitz, Sapphire Rollins and Camryn Fields-McCulloch come immediately to my office."
    We all looked at each other and we all thought the exact same thing.

This was about Rosie Rivers and she really was missing.

    We were sat outside Principal Taylor's office for almost half an hour until his door opened and out came Caleb and Hanna crying. I looked at Brontë who was sat opposite me and she gave them a sympathetic smile and then it was our turn to sit in Principal Taylor's office under fire.
    "Mr and Mrs Rivers have informed the police that their daughter and your friend Rosie Rivers has disappeared. They are at a loss as to why Rosie has vanished and they believe that you girls may know something about her disappearance," said Principal Taylor in his serious tone, "well do you know anything?"
    "Isn't it for the police to ask us questions?" Answered Sapphy, clearly angry by the whole summoning by the Principal.
    "Yes but you are not being questioned. Officer Brook will be here shortly to question each of you okay? Ah! Here he is!"
    In came this large, brooding man who looked like he could kill a man.
    "Officer Geoffrey Brook sir." He said.
    "I'll leave you to do your job Officer." Replied Principal Taylor.
Officer Brook took a seat opposite us and gave us all a long, hard look examining us before he started to interrogate us.
    "Rosie Ashley Rivers was reported missing by her parents on Saturday evening at around 7pm. Her phone and iPad had been taken out of the safe by Saturday which is where her mother had put them after she confiscated them off Rosie on Friday afternoon. The police have been informed across Pennsylvania, Ohio, New York, Virginia and Kentucky about Rosie's disappearance and I promise that her parents and you will be first to know on any updates. We believe that Rosie ran away due to a disagreement with her parents on Friday. We have been looking at CCTV across the state and found Rosie taking a train from Philadelphia to Chicago. She then took a bus from Chicago to somewhere in California. This was Sunday morning and that is the last we have seen of Rosie. I wanted to ask you if you know of anyone she may know who lives in California or Chicago?"
   "No." The girls answered simultaneously apart from me.
"I think I may know of someone." I replied. The girls quickly looked at me extremely confused as to why I would know.
    "Go on..." Said Officer Brook.
"Two weeks ago I found out one of Rosie's secrets. She had been secretly dating a guy from a town near Chicago for months. She promised me not to tell anyone and I kept her promise. I found him on Facebook and Rosie was really angry at me for a while however we made a promise of secrecy. That's all I know and the only reason that I can think of why she would take a train to Chicago. I don't know why she would go to California however." I answered feeling more and more nervous as the Officer stared intently at me, not diverting his eyes off me.
   "What's your name?" Asked the Officer.
"Lizzy... um Elizabeth Cavanaugh." I replied immediately.
"And what's the name of Rosie's boyfriend who lives near Chicago?" Asked Officer Brook.
"I think his name was Kai or Kyle or something. I can't remember his surname I'm sorry." I replied.
"Thank you Lizzy. You have been an enormous help to the investigation. We will get back to all of you girls on any updates on the case."
And off he went leaving the four of us with our thoughts. Just as we were about to leave, all of our phones started to buzz. I got my phone out and there was a text saying:

"I know you have a lot of questions. Do as I say and this evening at 7pm, meet me in the woods. Just you four. No one else. - R"

"Oh my god! Is that Rosie?" asked Camryn with her hand over her mouth in complete shock.

"I guess we'll have to find out" I replied.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2016 ⏰

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