Chapter 4 - Hanna

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I have always been the one to take what I have for granted. Caleb was one. It took a year for me to realise that Jordan shouldn't be the man that I am engaged to but Caleb is. Caleb and I are happily married and I couldn't be happier.

The one thing that Caleb and I couldn't agree on was children. Mainly because I was terrified of children and I was always working abroad in NYC, London, Milan or Paris plus Caleb worked in New York full time so neither of us could look after the child. I got pregnant by accident actually. It was the weekend after I launched my company's biggest fashion line and I flew from Sydney to New York and then one thing led to another...

That's when I learnt that in life I have to make sacrifices. At the time Caleb was earning far more money than I was and thankfully earning enough money to keep a family of three afloat. I had to leave my job temporarily and two months after I left on maternity leave I gave birth. Caleb wasn't in the room when I pushed the big thing out of me! My mother and Alison was though so at least I had some company!

When Caleb did come to the hospital when our child was five hours old we came up with a name. A girl it was. We named her Rosie Ashley Rivers. Rosie Rivers has such a nice adorable ring to it that we couldn't resist.

And now our Rosie Rivers is only 15 and slipping out of our control...
Rosie is only fifteen and has already lost her virginity, had multiple boyfriends in the last month and had a pregnancy scare! I'm so worried because I feel that Rosie's reckless behaviour is our fault.

I look at Spencer's kids and see Henry, Lizzy, Patrick and Annie all neat, beautiful, pure and intelligent and I envy it. They obey their parents rules and have no real issues. When you look at my daughter you see a scruffy girl who is certainly bottom of the class, with severe confidence issues. It confuses me how Rosie and Lizzy managed to become best friends as they are polar opposites.

I just feel so guilty because I created Rosie Rivers and no matter how much I try and communicate with her and tell her how much she means to me, nothing goes in and I'm afraid that she's slipping further and further
away from me to a point in which I may never get my baby Rosie back.

// Thank you for all the reads! Please keep commenting and leave me a message if you want to input to the story!! Keep reading and share the story to your followers!!!//

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