Chapter 2 - Spencer

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I live in Rosewood. I really don't know why. My parents live two streets away, Melissa and her family live across the street and everyone knows everyone's secrets. I wish I was back in Washington DC working in the White House, keen, passionate and eager. Whereas now I'm a lawyer in Rosewood occasionally making the trip to Philadelphia now and then. My work life is depressing because I could be the first female president of the United States and now I'm just a lawyer in a small town with no ambition. Despite my job not being at all inspiring there is still inspiration in my life. My family.

When I first started working in DC, I broke up with Toby because I simply couldn't see him enough and we grew apart. However when I had to return to Rosewood to help Alison bring Charlotte home and then the many months after being stalked yet again and finding out who killed Charlotte, Toby and I got back together. Each night when I woke up after having a nightmare, I saw Toby by my side it reminded me that during the darkest periods of my life, he has always been there for me. No matter what.

A year after the murder of Charlotte, Toby and I got married. I never believed that my teenage boyfriend would be the man that I would spend the rest of my life with! It actually makes me laugh! I never wanted children because I worked so much and I was so afraid of not being the mother I should be. However after years of nagging from Toby I finally agreed and nine months later I had my first child: Henry Tobias Cavanaugh. Once I had Henry, I realised that being a parent is priceless so Toby and I had three more children: Elizabeth Marion Cavanaugh, Patrick William Cavanaugh and Annabelle Veronica Cavanaugh. Who would of thought that Spencer Hastings would be the one with the most children! 10 years ago I would of bet that Aria would be me...

All of my kids are so different. Henry takes after Toby. He loves architecture and enjoys fishing which surprises me. Henry got bullied through the majority of middle school for being considered a loner. He started to self harm and I could see him going down the route that I went at his age so I changed his school and now there seems to be an improvement along with the counselling.

Elizabeth, or Lizzy as she demands to be called is a ferocious 15 year old. She is a Hastings. Hands down. The ambition, the drive and not to mention the grades. The difference between myself and Elizabeth is that I was obsessed with winning whereas she is far more sensitive and empathetic which along with her demanding attitude is a surprising mix!

Patrick and Annie are the youngest and are what put a smile on my face every evening. They are at the age where their parents are their whole world and can't stop grinning whenever Toby and I walk into the room. They're the two that show that they really love us. I know Henry and Elizabeth do love us but they're 17 and 15 so getting any response or emotions out of them is the same as getting Mona to move you to tears...

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