Chapter 3 - Aria

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In comparison to the other girls family lives,mine has been a complete train wreck. I married Ezra six months after the ordeal with Charlotte. The decision was so rash and so hasty and coming to think of it I wasn't in my right mind. I fell pregnant swiftly after and gave birth to a set of non identical twins which was certainly a surprise! Naming them was the challenge as Ezra wanted to name them Shakespeare and Wordsworth and I was adamant that my children were not going to be bullied for the entirety of their lives. Finally we came up with two names that we could both agree on. Our son is called Wilde Michael Fitz named after Ezra's favourite poet Oscar Wilde and my adorable brother Mike. Our daughter who is four minutes younger than Wilde is called Brontë Ella Fitz.

Wilde hates his name and just goes by the name Will which is much easier! Will loves football, soccer, baseball, lacrosse you name it. I think my whole life as a mother is driving him to all his sports competitions. Brontë was and still is the easy child. She never cried when she was little. Never whinged. Never complained. I call her my guardian angel because she is. Brontë is the wisest 15 year old girl in the world. I ask her for advice in every aspect of my life when it should be the other way round! I wish that I called her Angel or Angela instead of Brontë but it's kinda stuck now and I've grown to love my kids names.

When Will and Brontë were one, Ezra and I became distant. As soon as the children were born Ezra for some reason started traveling with his "old friend" Imogen to Europe. Within a year of the twins birth I filed for divorce papers. I felt so guilty because I wanted my children to have a father figure in their life but Ezra hadn't been home once and I was practically a married single mother. To be honest, I think it was fair on both of us to divorce as we could lead our own lives and be just friends which we still are to this day. He sees the kids every month or so. He lives in Paris with his new French wife called Anaïs. Will and Brontë visited Ezra and their stepmother last summer for the first time. During that time I went to Dallas to see Mike at his big baseball game. Whilst in Dallas I met a guy called Tom Hunter. He flew back to Rosewood with me after the summer where I introduced him to my children. As expected Brontë was happy for me and welcomed Tom with open arms.
Will however gave Tom a rough time. After I gave a long talk to Will about how it's not going to change when he'll see Ezra and I'll always love him, he became nice to Tom.

And now I'm Mrs Aria Hunter.

Thank you for reading this far! Keep commenting and voting!! The structure of the story is that I'm introducing the new lives of the Liars first and then I will delve into the mystery... KEEP READING!!! ⚡️Get the story to 100 READS⚡️

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