Chapter 6 - "Hey cut it Rosie!"

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"Rosie Rivers please can you come immediately to the principals office." Said the principal through the speakers.
    I've always hated the speakers in school because I'm always being sent to the principals office so everyone just things I'm in a secret relationship with him or something. I'm in a secret relationship but not with the fricking principal! Who do you think I am?
    My boyfriend is called Kyle Scott and he's a senior in a different school so if my parents found out I would be grounded till I'm ninety.
    Usually I tell my friendship group absolutely everything about what is going on in my life but I have been hooking up with Kyle for at least six months and they still don't know.
    Last week Lizzy found out. That clever bitch. Lizzy is my best friend but boy she is clever. She stalked all of my social media and found him on Facebook. Thing is I can trust Lizzy like no one else so I'm relying on her not to slip the secret to Sapphy Rollins because if that happens then all of Rosewood High will know and I will probably have to leave the school...
    Anyways, I walked into Principal Taylor's office and he told me to "take a seat" and finished filing some forms.
"Miss Rivers, I've invited you to talk to me today because I have received several complaints from numerous teachers saying that you shouted at them, stormed out of classes and in one incidence, you chucked a chair across the room. Are these allegations false Rosie?"
"What does allegations even mean Principal Taylor?" I replied sarcastically.
"Look Rosie. We both want to be some place else but cut the attitude missy. You injured a member of staff whilst throwing the chair and your actions will not go unpunished." Principal Taylor said with an abnormally large wrinkle forming on his forehead which made me giggle to myself.
"Hey cut it Rosie! What's so funny?"
"Nothing! I swear" I replied smirking.
"I've had enough of your attitude Rosie Rivers. I'm suspending you for a minimum of 7 days. I'll be calling both of your parents in to talk to you, me and the teacher involved. You will be put in immediate detention every day and now I will escort you to the isolation room where you will sit in silence for the rest of the day. Follow me Rosie."
The isolation room is worse than a prison cell. Trust me because I spent a night in one! I was allowed out of isolation for lunch and explained everything to Lizzy, Camryn, Sapphy and Brontë and they were all really understanding about the situation. Well Lizzy was sceptical about it all but afterwards I told her that it's only a temporary suspension and I'll be back next Wednesday to normal.
After lunch when the girls went off to classes and I was left in isolation is when things started to go downhill.
My parents came in and gave me a glare that sent shivers down my spine. The principal had called my parents in...
"Rosie Ashley Rivers, take that hat off and come here!" Said my mum in her stern voice which meant I had no choice but to do as she said.
"Rosie. What has gotten into you? You're scaring me so much. Please tell us when we get home what's happening to you? Please?" my dad said to me. I think he was about to cry and I felt so guilty.
After an hour of wanting to die in Principal Taylor's office my parents took me home. It was completely silent in the car and my dad was still crying. My mum took my laptop, iPad and my phone away from me and locked it away in her safe which I know the password to! Hah mum! Not so smart are you...
I was in my room writing in my diary when I heard my parents arguing downstairs. I creeped downstairs to hear what was going on.
"She's out of control Hanna!"
"I know Caleb! We are going to have to change her school. Her friends are such bad influences and god knows what else she gets up to in the weekends!"
"Principal Taylor is useless and always has been. Ever since Rosie's anger issues have escalated the school has failed to sort her out."
"She's a nightmare Caleb. I love her to death but I can't stand this any longer. Every day something happens and I get phone calls all the time and I'm so stressed I cried at work yesterday!"
"Hanna baby, don't cry. I love you so much. I love Rosie too and I've had an idea. My brother Aaron lives in Ohio and there is an amazing school there which looks perfect for Rosie. They have specialists there and Rosie will be back home in a year just fine. They'll calm her nerves and find out the source of the problem."
"I'm not sending my baby away Caleb!"
"Hanna. It's the only option we have. The other high schools will be just the same. It will give Rosie a fresh start, new friends, new school. It's just what she needs right now."
"Okay. Okay Caleb."
My parents. The two people I love most are sending me away because I'm a "nightmare". Well don't bother bitch because I'm leaving right now!

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