Chapter 8

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__1__'s POV:

"What are you going to do when my sister comes to get me?" you asked Jeff while munching on your sandwich.
"Are you just gonna let us walk away?"

"Nope, but I am gonna give her a chance to try and kill me," Jeff answered, grabbing for a second sandwich and devouring it hungrily.

"So you are going to let us go?" you stated surprised, making the killer frown.

"What? You don't actually think she's got a chance right?" the black haired man replied offended.
"She'll be dead in ten seconds flat!"

"You obviously don't know __2__," you retorted with a cocky smirk.
"When you get her pissed enough, she's freaking unstoppable!"

"Oh really?" Jeff asked annoyed.

"Yeah! Once she won a race against the fastest guys in high school, just because one of them told her she didn't stand a chance 'cause she's a girl'," you told the killer.

"And I've been killing people without getting caught ever since I was 13!" Jeff countered.
"I'm really fucking sure she doesn't stand a chance against me."

"Maybe not in a fair fight," you admitted, taking another bite from your lunch.
"But she'll find a way, I know that much."

"We'll see about that," Jeff grumbled before grabbing the empty plates and walking out of the basement, leaving you all chained up and alone once again.

"Before the week is over, __2__ will be standing right here to take me home. Just you wait," you mumbled to yourself with a small smile on your lips.

__2__'s POV:

"He's crazy," you mumbled in shock.

"Obviously," Liu snorted, glaring at the paper for a while longer.
"If he's gonna play these kind of games with us, we won't find your sister in time."

"No, I'm not gonna accept that!" you growled angrily.
"That stupid fucking riddle must have some kind of meaning and I'm going to find out what!"

"No, we won't!" Liu growled back in a deep gravelly voice you learned belonged to Sully.
"Jeff lost all reason even before he killed our parents! That letter means nothing!"

"Than what do you propose we do?" you asked him angrily.

"We wait 'till he comes back again and when he does, I'll follow him to where he has her. Then I kill him and bring your sister back here," Liu replied, standing up from his spot on your bed and walking over to the window, opening it and jumping out.

You sighed in annoyance and rolled your eyes. The guy was extremely annoying and snarky, exactly the type of person you would rather avoid. But he would prove to be very useful to help save your sister and he might be the only person alive to take Jeff the killer on, so you gladly put up with his shit. You'd figure out how to deal with him once he became a problem.

"You two would be perfect together!" (f/n) giggled amused.

"What the hell?! No we wouldn't!" you yelled defensively.
"He's annoying and impossibly stubborn! Oh! And let's not forget a serial killer!"

"Ok, that last one is definitely a deal breaker, but you're just as horrible as he is in the other aspects you know!" the blonde laughed.

You huffed, but didn't say anything back. Instead, you looked over the note again, trying to make sense of the one line riddle scribbled onto it with a childish handwriting.

What kind of room has no door or windows?

With love,

your friend Jeff

"Where is he keeping her?" you murmured softly.

Jeff x Twins! Reader x LiuWhere stories live. Discover now