Chapter 3

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So, to make this clear. From this part on, there are going to be two yous.

If you do not have a split personality, use your imagination because both twin sisters are the reader.

To make it a little easier, there will no longer be (y/n) and (s/n), but __1__ and __2__.

So don't forget:

(y/n) = __1__ = kidnapped by Jeff the killer

(s/n) = __2__ = not kidnapped

Let's go!

__2__'s POV:

After a two hour drive, you finally reached the college your sister was going to. You drove into the parking lot at full speed, probably nearly killing a couple of the students here, but you didn't care enough to do something about it.

When you jumped out of the car, you noticed several police cars parked as well. You didn't know if you had to be extra worried or relieved that they were here as well. You ran at a speed only reserved for big competitions and before you knew it, you had reached your sister's dormitory.

A lot of students were standing outside the big building, staring at the police at work with big eyes of fear and curiosity. You didn't pay them any mind though, you just walked in, ignoring the shouts of protest you got from a police officer.

"Miss, you can't just walk in here! You have to-" he started, only to be interrupted by a shout of surprise from down the hall.

"__1__! Oh, my god, I'm so happy you're ok!" a girl yelled, running over to you and hugging you tightly.

"Um, sorry," you mumbled, peeling the girl off of you.
"My name's __2__, I'm __1__'s twin sister."

You looked the girl over real quick. She had long, wavy blond hair and bright blue eyes. She was rather short and wore a red shirt. If you remembered correctly this was (f/n), who occupied the room across from your sister's. She had been here when you two arrived here for the first time to get __1__ settled. At the time, (f/n) had struck you as full of energy and very friendly. When she looked up at you now, she seemed disappointed, but that soon changed into sorrow and pity.

"I'm so sorry," she said, hugging you again, but much gentler than before.

"Y-you thought I was __1__, does that mean she's..." I asked softly, trying not to choke.

"-kidnapped, yes," she answered sorrowful.

I nodded, willing the tears away that threatened to spill. The girl sniveled and gave me a sad smile.

"They'll find her, don't worry," she said softly.

"Of course!" you said raising your voice just the slightest with a big, fake smile on your face.
"__1__ is a tough cookie, that asshole is gonna be sorry he messed with her!"

(f/n) giggled slightly at that and for a moment, the smile on your face was real.

"Are you __2__ (l/n)?" a man with a pretty big grey mustache asked.

You guessed he lead the investigation. You turned towards him and nodded. He gave you an apologetic smile and motioned you to follow him.

After a big sigh, you went after him to your sisters dorm room. It was messy in there, more than you were used of her. There was no doubt in your mind that there had been a pretty heavy fight in here. It made your heart swell with pride to know that __1__ hadn't given up without a fight, but it pained you to know that she was probably pretty hurt now, especially when you noticed the blood on the baseball bat.

"My name's officer Pine. We were just planning to call you to come over," the man said, giving you a suspicious look.

"My sister called me when she was being chased by this guy," you mumbled quietly.

"Really now? Mind telling us what had been said?"

You nodded and started retelling the entire conversation. The man was silent the entire time after ordering one of the other officers to write everything you said down.

"Is there anything I should know about what happened?" you asked after you were done talking.

"Yes, actually, the kidnapper has left a message for you," the officer said, handing you a bloodstained envelope.

You gulped when you took it out of the man's hands. You were afraid of what you might find inside. Would they want money? You didn't have any, but maybe if you contacted your parents they would be willing to give it. You and your sister might not have the best bond with them, but they were still your parents.

You walked over to your sister's bed and sat down. You stared at the envelope for a little longer before gaining the courage to open it.

Dear __1__'s sister,

I couldn't help but be very intrigued by your protectiveness towards your sister. Even though I'm sure we all know there is nothing you can do to stop me, I think it would be fun to take you up on that promise you made.

I'll give you some hints over the next few days about where you can find us and if you can get to us in a week time, I'll give you the chance to try and fight me for your sister's life. Until then, you have to stay in your sister's room.

Also, you can't let the police know about this. If you share any of these hints with them, I will not hesitate to put __1__ to sleep.

Good luck and hopefully until soon!

Jeff the killer

You were pretty shocked about this. Jeff the killer? Had the most wanted serial killer of the whole damn world just kidnapped your sister in order to play a fucked up version of hide and seek? You felt sick.

"Are you alright?" the old police officer asked.

You nodded faintly, folding the dirty piece of paper and putting it in your pocket. You weren't about to take a chance with your sister's life.

"What was in the letter?" he asked pretty bluntly.

"He... sees this as some kind of game," you whispered.

__1__'s POV:

You groaned in pain. God, your throat hurts so much! Actually, everything fucking hurts like hell. What the hell did you do last night anyways? The last thing you remembered was working on your project until you got attacked.

Your eyes flew open when you remembered that part and you jumped into a sitting position. That is, if you would have been able to do so. You shouted in pain when your arms met resistance with a loud clanging of metal. You looked above your head to find that your hands were handcuffed to the headboard of the bed you were lying on.

You grunted in annoyance and started struggling a little more. The guy had said something about your sister before he knocked you out and that was more than enough reason for you to get the hell out of here. You swear, if he hurt her in any way you'd kill him!

"Good, your awake," you hear a deep voice from your right.

You gasp and turn your head towards the sound. There he stands, in the doorway. The man that kidnapped you. Jeff the killer.

His cut in smile widens when he sees your horrified expression. You glare at him and start struggling again.

"Let me go you fuck!" you yell at him.

He just laughs at your anger and takes a seat next to the bed.

"Seems like a bad temper runs in the family, right?" he mutters amused.

"You fucking kidnapped me you asshole! I think that justifies anger," you growled.

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