Chapter 2

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The pale faced killer stared at you with his wide, dark eyes and a grin larger than it had been before.

"Found you!" he chuckled.

You stared wide eyed at him. Fear took over when he reached to grab you and probably pull you out of the safety of your closet. To your relieve and slight horror, he got distracted when (s/n) started yelling from the other side of the line.

"(y/n)! (y/n), are you there?!" she yelled frantically.

Before you could register anything, the man had snatched the phone out of your hand. You moved to get it back, but he pointed his knife at you threateningly. Fearing for your life, you curled into yourself in the far back corner of your small closet.

"I'm sorry, (y/n) can't come to the phone right now," he said calmly into the phone.

You heard a gasp of surprise coming from your sister.

"If you touch her you asshole, I swear I will go to the ends of the world to hunt you down! I won't fucking stop until I've got your neck between my fingers to str-"

The black-haired man just click the end call button and put your phone in his hoodie's pocket. You winced and whimpered when he grabbed your arm and pulled you out of your hiding spot. He chuckled and dragged you along towards your desk, throwing you against the wall next to it. You yelped when your head collided with the hard wall.

Not planning on giving up without a fight, you stood back up and faced the man. He didn't look at you, instead he had picked up a picture of you and your twin on your last summer trip and looked at it curiously.

Since he wasn't really paying attention to you, you had a chance to look around and search for something you could defend yourself with. Your eyes fell on the baseball bat standing against your desk only three feet away from you.

No, you didn't play baseball, but you had inherited some form of paranoia from your father. That's why you always had something to protect yourself with in your place of living, as well as a small knife in your purse, but you didn't think that would be useful against the large kitchen knife of this guy.

You jumped towards the bat and grabbed it. Before you could do anything, however, you felt your attacker kick you in the back, sending you to the floor. You turned on your back and swung the bat at him, only to have him catch it in time and rip it out of your hands.

Panicked, you scrambled to get up and tried to run again. before you could reach the door, the baseball bat made harsh contact with your stomach and you doubled over in pain. He hit you again. your side this time. You screamed in pain and rolled up in a ball on the floor, trying to protect yourself from the hard wooden object.

The man just laughed at this and pulled you up by your hair, throwing you against the desk. You tried to get up again, still refusing to just let him have his way. He hit again, your shin this time.

The sickening sound of bone breaking and you scream again, much louder this time. You're sure you must've woken up some of the other students in the building by now.

You closed your eyes and waited for the guy to end you. It couldn't be long now, seeing as some people were knocking on your door.

Nothing happened. Carefully, you peer up at the killer. He's looking at the picture again, a thoughtful frown on his face. It confused you, but you didn't give him much thought. He was a murderer! The guy was obviously insane.

"Call the cops!" you screamed to the people outside your door.

The man chuckled and hoisted you over his shoulder. You yelled at him to let go of you, but he ignored it and ran towards your window. You started struggling and screamed louder in an attempt to get the other student's attention while they tried to break open the door of your room.

With an annoyed sigh, the killer threw you back to the ground. He grabbed your throat and pulled you up with it so the two of you were face to face. You stopped struggling for freedom and started struggling for breath, but it only got harder and harder to fill your longs.

"Let's play a little game of tag with your sister," he whispered, squeezing your windpipe.

You wheezed and clawed at the man's hand, trying to relieve the pressure. Black dots were forming in your eyes when the killer squeezed harder. Before help could reach you, you lost consciousness.

(s/n)'s POV:

You stared at the phone in horror. That man just hung up on you! He was going to kill your sister while you were half a state away and you couldn't do anything about it.

Oh Hell no! You were going to get that bastard and kill him. And if you found out he had hurt your sister in any way, you'd drag him back from the afterlife just so you could kill him again! You like to make one thing very clear.

No one. Touches. Your. Sister.

You ran at top speed out of your dorm and towards the campus parking lot, where your old little beetle was waiting. Without thinking twice, you jumped into the driver seat and drove off. You were going way over the speed limit, but you didn't care. You had to get to your twin sister. You had to save her from that monster.

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