"Why did you turned her up Stephanie?"

"I don't know dad! I don't know!" the girl continued sobbing louder.


Tiffany put a bouquet of flower on her mother's graveyard. She clasped her hand together and prayed.

"Mom, it's been a long time since I came to see you. How are you? I miss you mom. I'm sorry I haven't visited you frequent enough. I am a bad daughter am I?"

Tiffany kneeled down, clean off some grasses growing nearby. She clear off some dust on the tombstone.

"Mom, I want to tell you something. Probably you had known about this. That I have a girlfriend. Her name is Kim Taeyeon. I love her so much. She had proposed to me but I rejected her. I don't know. Wanting to be together forever is a very long time. Do I really wanna live with her that long? Will our relationship survive? What if she one day her feelings change? What if something happen in between? I'm afraid to think about the bad possibilities. But I need to prepare for the worst right? What should I do? I don't want to hurt her. Why can't we just live as we are right now?"

Tiffany sighed, "I wish you were here, mom. I didn't know what to do. I don't want to say yes if I'm having these doubt. But who will answer all my question? Am I doing the right thing?"

A week had past. Tiffany cannot stop thinking about her relationship with Taeyeon. She was still looking for an answer, a sign. Any sign if possible. At the same time she felt lonely. She wondered how was Taeyeon now? Is she ok? Has she eaten well? She had email Yuri her 24 hour notice and asked her help to look after Taeyeon. The latter had replied her email asking thousands of question of what had happened between her and Taeyeon but she didn't reply to any of those email. She didn't even know what to answer to the girl.

To distract herself from thinking, she asked her father a job in the company. Her father refused and asked her to rest but she insisted.

She work as a manager in Hwang Corp. She tried to work as usual, but time to time, her mind kept wandering to the blonde girl. She never once forget about her. She think about her every day, every night, thinking when she could see her lover. She had promised that she will return but up to now she was not ready. She was unsure about everything. The only thing that she was sure of that she loves the latter so much.

Tiffany was walking in the park after having lunch with her colleague. She met her old friends in university, Jennifer. She was surprised to see her walking with her husband and almost a one year old child. They had chatted about everything and catch up about each other's life. Tiffany had asked her why she chose to marry her husband.

"You know, me and Taeyeon had been happily living together. So, what's the different if we get married or not? It's just a piece of paper. There is still no guarantee that we will be together forever. The risk of getting hurt will be higher if later our marriage is-"

"Tiff, getting married is not about taking a risk. It's about giving a chance. What's the risk are you talking about if you haven't give it a try? And it's not just a piece of paper like you thought."

Tiffany only listen as her friend continued.

"I never thought that I would get married early either. You know how I was in the college. I change boys frequently because I never found what I was looking for, I didn't know what I want. I can't see my future until I met him. He didn't promise me anything but promise to try his best to take care of me, to make me happy. He sincerely accept me as who I am.

Of course, there's no guarantee with just words. That's why I gave him a chance to prove himself. I also gave a chance to myself to accept him and be the best I can for him. And after 2 years of marriage, I could say that I'm happy and I didn't regret it.

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