She went to the guest room and bumped onto Tiffany who was just coming out from the bathroom.

"Pani-ah~~" Taeyeon hugged her girlfriend tight, smelling the scent of soap on the girl's body. Tiffany always smell great especially her hair. She sometimes stole smelling those fruits scented locks when the redhead was not looking. The girl took a good care of her hair that's why it always look good and healthy. Her scent always made Taeyeon feel calm and complete. She has no idea how but it did have a good effect on her.

"Hayeon is sleeping in your room. So I guess, I'll be sleeping alone again..." the redhead muttered sadly.

"Sorry, Pani-ah. Oh, but wait! I can still accompany you," the blonde girl winked, hanging to her lover's arm playfully, following to the guest room.

"It's ok Taetae. You better sleep in your room or your sister might hate me even more for stealing you in the middle of the night," Tiffany pecked the other girl's lips and pulled away from the latter. "Goodnight Taetae."

Taeyeon was still standing in the hallway, furrowing her eyebrows. She didn't expect that kind of answer coming from the eye smiling girl who always get her teasing and flirty gesture. She put her feet between the door leaf before Tiffany could close it and pushed the girl inside the bedroom. She locked the door and pulled the latter's towards the bed.

"Yah! Taeyeon!"

Taeyeon didn't say anything and straight away attacking the girl's lips. Tiffany had no choice but to respond to the kiss for a while before pulling away from her girlfriend.

"Taeyeon! What's wrong with you??" she asked almost yell.

Taeyeon scowled when she was rejected for the second time that night.

"Nothing is wrong with me. I just miss my girlfriend. Is that wrong??" she stated before coming close to Tiffany but the girl stopped her on her shoulder.

"No, not now."

"Why? What's wrong with you? Are you ok Pani-ah? You seem like not like yourself tonight. Are you not happy to be here with me?" Taeyeon asked sadly sending guilty feeling to the redhead.

"No, it's not about that." Tiffany looked down.


"It's just that... I am tired. And... I'm on my period."

The room was quiet for a second.

"...Oh. Fuck hormones!" muttered Taeyeon.

"Yeah, so you need to control your horney hormones at the moment."

Tiffany's statement made both them chuckled. Taeyeon felt relief as she finally get to see the girl's true eye smile since she noticed the girl has been faking it for the whole night with her family. She was well aware of how Tiffany's mood when the girl was on her period. The mood swing was unpredictable but she had learnt to keep up with it eventually. Damn hormones again.

She leaned forward kissing the girl's temple. "Can I sleep here? Just sleep, I won't do anything. Please..." she pleaded, interlacing her fingers.

"No, is a no, Taetae. Don't be like a spoiled child, ok? Go back to your room. I'll be fine here." Tiffany trying to reassure.

"Em.. ok..." Taeyeon surrendered.

Tiffany looked at the cute pouting face and couldn't help but feel bad for making the girl go. But if she entertained her girlfriend, they would never finish.

"Night night Taetae~!"

"Night night too Pani-ah. Sweet dream!" Taeyeon turn off the lights for the girl before retreating back to her own room.

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