I gently rubbed my stomach shooting pain up my arm, but I didn't really care. Pain really didn't effect me too much, I could handle it. I just wanted my babies to know I was here for them, if they didn't know already.

"Mommy loves you guys, and I can't wait to see you all." I said softly.

"Don't forget Daddy." a voice said, and Jack walked over to my side and sat down.

"Hey Jack." I said.

"Hey." he said.

"I didn't think you would be here." I said.

"Why wouldn't I be here? My pregnant fiancée was in surgery that could have killed our children, I was worried sick about you." he said.

"Just thought you would have disagreed with my decision to do the surgery that could have killed our kids. I thought you would have gotten mad again and shut me out again."

"No Elsa. I'm sorry about that. I was just worried that there was something life threatening or something I did wrong. I just wanted to know so I could fix the problem." he said sadly.

"Jack, why didn't you trust my decision? I wouldn't keep something from you unless it was for a good reason."

"I know...... I'm an idiot." he mumbled.

"Trust me, I've known that since day one." I said rolling my eyes, "Are you going to listen to me, follow my plans, and trust me from now on?"

"Yes." he said quickly, "So....... are we good?" he asked.

"Yeah, we're good." I said, and he beamed down at me.

"Thank you." he said softly and kissed my cheek, "I love you Elsa and babies."

"We love you too." I said.

"Why don't you rest while Manny is bringing the food." he said.

"Okay." I said softly. I closed my eyes, and felt Jack took my hand. It hurt when he did it, but I didn't say anything. The pain ebbed away leaving only a feeling of comfort and warmth that I have come to enjoy so much.

I woke up to the smell of deliciousness, and saw Manny with all the food. Jack was slumped over in the chair sleeping, he must be super exhausted to be sleeping in the upright position.

"So, I'm assuming your reverse psychology plan worked." Manny said softly.

"Better than anticipated. He won't mess up the plan now." I said smiling, "And it is a good thing too, because it is nearly impossible for a single mother of 3 to find another fiancé. Plus I sort of like the fiancé I picked out."

Manny handed me a box of food, and a fork, then helped me sit up.

"Jack didn't get a lot of sleep, huh?" I asked.

"No, he has been up for the past two weeks worried sick about you." Manny said, "So, how was your break?"

"Great. I went to Tahiti." I said.

"Hmm... it's nice this time of year. What did you do?"

"I went to his one festival that reminded me a lot of Mardi Gras, went to a spa, got my nails done, went shopping, ate the food there, went sight seeing, and I went to a nude beach." I said.

"Interesting, how was the beach with your baby bump and all?" I asked.

"You can see it, huh?" I asked.

"Just barely. If I hadn't of known you basically your whole life, then I wouldn't be able to tell." Manny said, "Your still as skinny as a twig and fit as a fiddle."

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