Falling into a pit of awesomeness

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"Now boarding plane 213 from -Local airport- to London, England."

I felt a hand rest on my shoulder. I looked up to see my mother who had a smile on her face, "Do good in school, ok kiddo?" I gave her a reassuring smile and hugged her, "Of course mom! I love you! And when I get there I will give you a call."

I broke away from the hug and grabbed my carry on bag which was packed and full with all my artsy stuff so I wouldn't be bored on the way to London. I looked at the line, which was super long, and let out a sigh. I turned to my mom one last time before getting into the never-ending long line. Little did I know I would never get to call her because something life changing will happen.

I gave one of the flight attendants waiting at the door my ticket. She scanned it before giving me a smile, "Welcome aboard."

I gladly got on the plane before finding my seat. I got the cheapest flight I could get so that means I have to sit in the back of the plane by all the screaming children. I've never been a children person so if I'm stuck sitting by a bloody screaming child, there's gonna be hell on this plane. I sat in the seat closest to the window, which made me give a small frown.

I'm not a skinny person like everyone else is. I have "a little more to love". I'm not fat, I'm curvaceous! I don't like being trapped between people and a wall, but it's better than sitting in the middle. That would be hell.

I put my bag into the overhead bin, before getting into the window seat, and buckling in. Suddenly a thought popped into my head, so I take out my phone.


Me: Mom, don't forget to tell dad I say goodbye! I'll talk to him when I get there.

Mom: Ok! Be safe!

Me: I know mom .-.

Mom: No! Really! No talking to strangers! Be well behaved!

Me: ... Mom... stop. I'm fine

Me: :P

Mom: Ok. Bye!

Me: Bye \(^-^)/

I pulled out my earbuds as well and plugged them into my phone. THEN THE WORST THING HAPPENED. Just as I start playing my music I look to my right and see a feisty child and an angry mom putting their stuff in the overhead bins above my row of seats. I roll my eyes before shifting in my seat so they could get in. I was hoping that the mom would sit in the middle, but NO. THE BLOODY CHILD HAS TO SIT IN THE MIDDLE. I plugged the earbuds back in my phone trying to pay no attention.

*20 Horrible Minutes Later*

I watch as the plane grows faster and faster until we're off the ground. I relax slightly in my seat for a few moments until the hell truly begins.

"MOMMY! MOMMY! MOOOOOMMMMM!" the little girl half-yells.

The mom continues to read the magazine.

"MMMMOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMM!!! AHHHH!!" she starts yelling.

The mom looks up, looks at the girl, before asking, "What?"

"I'm hungry!"

The mom pulls out a yogurt cup, and gives it to the girl. The girl opens the cup and looks at the yogurt. She twists her face in disgust before swiping the cup onto MY LAP ALL OVER MY FUCKING NEW JEANS. I unplug my earbuds and look at the girl before looking at the mom.

"Really?! These were brand new!" I half-yell angrily at them, ready to choke the kid like Homer would do to Bart in the Simpsons.

The little kid spits at my face like toddlers do before pouting at her mom, "I want a cheese puffs!"

"Let me out, please." I said in the nicest tone I could give considering I had yogurt all over my designer jeans. The mom sighed before getting up, but the girl sat there still pouting.

"Patricia, get up."


"Please get up, Patricia."


I let out an annoyed grunt letting them know I need to get through. Finally the mom grabbed her and let me through. I went into the bathroom, not caring that the plane was not at altitude. I grabbed as many paper towels as possible and cleaned the white mess all over my jeans. After 15 minutes I gave up, and exited the bathroom. As I walked back to my seat and noticed that they had moved seats - the mom was by the window and the kid in the middle. I smiled on the inside knowing I got an aisle seat. I sat back in my seat and blasted some more tunes.

*About 8 hours in*

Kill me. Just fucking kill me. The kid wouldn't be quiet and was always trying to get out of her seat. Inside my head I was plotting my way to kill her. We were finally almost there and I was about to turn into a homicidal maniac. I decided to get up and grab my bag. Sitting back down, I grabbed my sketchbook and my colored pencils. I have a drawing of myself in anime style to color yet.

Then it happened. The event that would change my life forever.

There was a huge bump in the plane. Then more bumps. Then the plane was shaking violently. I tried to look out the window, but I couldn't see anything because everyone was looking out them. Then I heard screaming. It started in the front, and moved towards my way. Soon everyone was screaming except me. I felt the airplane dive towards the ground. Then it hit me - We're crashing. I put up my tray table and packed my stuff in my bag frantically. I got a glimpse out a window and saw that the ground was getting really close to the plane.

I closed my eyes and turned up my music. Generally every average person would be scared that they were going to die, but I'm ready. I've always followed my motto of living every day like it could be the last, so really I'm ready whenever.

Then it happened. Everything went black.


I woke up to sound of people talking in the distance. Groaning, I sat up and rubbed my aching head. I opened my eyes, and looked around. I was in a field surrounded by trees. Am I dead? My bag was laying next to me on my right, and on my left was phone, and earbuds. I grabbed my items on my left, and put them into my back pocket. I stood up and put the bag over my shoulder.

Then I saw the most amazing thing ever. About 100 yards away straight ahead of me were Ciel Phantomhive, Alois Trancy, Sebastian Michaelis, and Claude Fasutus staring at me with confusion. My jaw dropped to the ground and I gave them all a blank stare. Real smooth Rach, real smooth.

"Madam, are you alright? Are you lost?" Sebastian asked.

I fell to my knees, "OH MY GOD!"

"Madam, are you-"


"Madam, that langua-"

"OH NO! OH NO! OH NO! OH NO! OH NO! This isn't right! This isn't right at all!"


Welcome to my first fanfic ever! Black Butler is my favorite anime so writing this story will be super fun. I plan to update about every 4-7 days so get ready for some action! I'm going to make a promise! I WILL FINISH THIS STORY! I WILL! I will not get far, then quit like most people! I will ask for ideas in the future (or now some ideas are great!) so go ahead and give me some! That's all for now. :) Have a great Morning/Afternoon/Evening/Night.

Question: What is your favorite character in black butler?

Stay cool! \(^-^)/

How I Got Stuck In Black Butler (Kuroshitsuji) (1st Draft - Original!)Where stories live. Discover now