"So what happened? You still haven't told me." He was getting impatient.

"Gray... she likes me," I say and Grayson just stares at me with his mouth wide open like it was some miracle.

"Did she tell you that? What else happened?" Grayson kept asking me questions. I didn't know how to tell him exactly what happened...

"Uh- ummm we..." Grayson already knew.

"Oooohhhh," he said giving me a smirk as if to say 'nice'. I just smiled and looked down.

I stayed up almost all night thinking about Sam... I couldn't wait for tomorrow.

*The next morning*

It was Saturday morning and I couldn't wait to see Samantha again. I jumped out of bed at nine and ran a around my room getting ready. I don't think I've ever gotten up and dressed that fast...

I left the house without breakfast at 9:30. She probably wasn't even up yet, but I didn't care. I sprinted the entire way, it was only like a block. Sam's family loves Gray and I and since we know their family so well we can just come in the house when whenever we want. I don't even have to knock.

I walk in and her mom is cooking breakfast, she says hello and asks how I am.

"Oh I'm fine, how are you?" I politely reply, hugging her.

"Oh I'm great Ethan. I'm guessing your looking for Sam, she's in her room." She smiles.

"Okay thanks," I say as I turn and run up the stairs.
I throw the door open and Sam is already up, grabbing her stuff.

"Oh my gosh Ethan I was just about to go over to your house," she says putting her things down and walking over to hug me.

I hug back. We usually hug for a really long time but not this time.

"So what do you want to do?" She asks sitting down on her bed.

"Well maybe we could stay here for a while, and then go to my house so I can get my stuff for tonight." I reply flopping down on the bed next to her. She laughs.

"Mkay that's fine." She smiles and turns the tv in her room on. I lay on my stomach and she lays down next to me. I see her smile as I scoot a little closer.

"Ooo let's watch cartoons because I'm literally two years old." She says making me laugh.

We stay over at her house until 11 watching cartoons and then eating breakfast. Then I walk her over to my place we can stay there for a bit. Grayson is there, he hasn't left for his sleepover yet.

"Hey Gray," Sam says smiling when we walk inside.

"Hey Sam, what's up?" He asks her shooting a quick smirk at me.

"Oh nothing, we're just going to stay here for a little while before we go back to my place." She walks over to the stairs and gestures for me to come over, teasing me. I walk toward her and she half jogs and half walks up the stairs. I feel myself looking her up and down. I'm just going to say it, she was hot.
She saw me check her out and smirked playfully at me. The things she does to me... Oh my god.

Just friends - Ethan DolanWhere stories live. Discover now