As soon as those words left my mouth, he was up and in front of me. "Listen Y/n, I know you don't have many things you dream about doing or how many goals you have, but that doesn't mean that you can just tell me what I want and what I need."

His voice grew dark, as did his expression. I backed away slightly afraid to say anything else.

"Now go tell that cyclops that
I'm. Not. Eating."

I nodded and quickly walked from the room.

'I've never seen him that I'll never be able to tell screwed up yet again y/n...'

I signed to myself, opening the door to the kitchen and sitting down at my spot at the table. Sanji raised a curly eyebrow and sat down next to me.

"What wrong y/n-swan?" He wraps an arm around my shoulders, I shrug out of his grip and shake my head.
"I upset Zoro...I don't know if I'll ever be able to tell him how I feel now...."

Sanji sighed, smiling contently. "Don't worry, Y/n-" "how am I not supposed to worry!? I made him angry and now he probably doesn't want me talking to him!! I don't want to mess anything else up Sanji!" I shook slightly, burying my head into Sanji's shoulder. He wrapped a protective arm around me and rubbed my back.

"It'll all be okay, Y/n I promise."

~{Zoro P.O.V}~

I quickly downed the rest of the bitter liquid.

'I have to get better stuff...maybe at the next island I can have Y/n show me where the good alcohol is...she always knows-'

"Y/n..." I mumble her name softly and sighed. "I'm sorry....I didn't mean to get all defensive..." Then it hit me. I'm talking to myself. Godamnit.

'Guess I should go find her....apologize... I don't want her sad...or mad for that matter.'

I smirked softly to myself, chuckling. I remember the last time she got mad, she started throwing those little cupcake things at that cyclops. That was a good day.

I stood up and wiped myself off, heading towards the kitchen across the deck. I looked to the horizon.

'It'll be dark soon...maybe today I'll finally be able to say something..'

And with my final thought, I swung open the door to the kitchen.

~∆Your POV∆~

I was helping set up the dishes in the kitchen for dinner when Zoro came in. He swiveled his head in my direction and sent a glare towards Sanji.

"Listen, Y/n-"

"No Zoro its alright, I was contradicting you and it was wrong on my part, I should've apologized before."

Zoro sighed and walked towards me, enveloping me in a tight hug.

"No I'm sorry, I shouldn't have snapped at matter how important my dream is to're my of the few ones I have left...and I don't want to have you angry at me."

"Zoro that's what I wanted to talk with you about..."

"What do you mean?" He sent me a confused look, a eyebrow raised.

"W-well...ya see.." An awkward chuckle eased into the silence as I scratch the back of my head.

'Don't screw it up idiot!'

"Hmm?" He leaned down to my level and met my e/c gaze.

'You idiot! Don't let his cute...adorable....clueless face.....that's not helping!!!!!! Okay okay...plan b...'

Right. Plan b. Wait..there was a plan b!? You know what. Fuck it. Going for it.

I leaned in and gently pressed my lips to his, earning a surprised grunt from the green haired swordsman. I felt him go limp as a wail escaped the mouth of a dissatisfied Sanji.


Zoro looked down at me with a dumfounded expression. I screwed up. Shit.

"I'm sorry Zoro I really a-!" He pulled me to him hushing me with a simple peck to the lips.

A smile was spread across his face as he held me close to him.

"Don't worry y/n I love you too...I just didn't know how to tell you...I'm not very good with uh.." He made a few gestures between the two of us.

"Yeah I get that..." I giggled slightly. I let a sigh of relief wash over me.

"Now what?" He asks, sitting down beside me.

I ponder a for a bit. Then it clicks.


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