'You mean Aries?' I asked, to which she reacted as if I was suggesting to jump of the balcony: 'Don't say that cursed name in my presence! It hurts my ears just to call her Dwarf, because it refers to her, but to say just that name alone – blegh. But –'

Leo shook her head, causing her hair to be all over the place for a second, before she continued. 'Let's pretend like this didn't happen and like the Dwarf never existed. My name is Leo, I'm the girl from apartment 27, which you may have noticed already. Now, your turn to introduce yourselves.'

Libra seemed to be too stunned or confused to say anything for once, meaning it came up to me and I cleared my throat. 'Well, I'm Sagittarius, or just Sag, for short. This is Libra, he's my brother and usually a bit more active, but I guess he's having a small error at the moment,' I said and turned half around to point at the door. 'Our other brother, Taurus, is back inside. He's also having an error, but that's a little differently from this one.'

Leo didn't frown for a single bit, maybe because she wasn't really focused on Libra. 'Oh, they'll get through it. You've been here for five days, hm? Well, since I stayed inside all those days and Aquarius and Capricorn aren't here either, you have yet to see what a disarray this place can be. Pure chaos, that is, that's why the Dwarf made that plate for this flat, as an introduction to new people. She put it up just after every single one of us moved in - without putting my name on it!'

She huffed in frustration, shook her head again and smiled at me with a flattering smile. 'Just wait, there'll probably be a time when your names are right next to the other's, forever, until the Dwarf actually wrecks this place.'

Libra got his senses back all of a sudden, and broke his stare by looking at me and back to Leo. 'Wait, before you continue, I'd like to know some things,' he said, and Leo nodded to that. 'Ask me anything, dear,' she responded. From her neutral expression, I made up she probably called a lot of people "dear" and was really comfortable using it, even with new people like us.

'Well,' said Libra, 'first thing: why do you call – eh – our other neighbor a dwarf?'

Leo giggled again, this time a little softer. 'Isn't it obvious? Did you not see how tiny she is? I would call her a fairy, but she's too grumpy and too competitive against me. Plus, I hate her. Alright, next question.'

My elder brother didn't look at me this time, not even just a moment, but went on with his next question right away: 'Can you describe the chaos that apparently will show up once those others, Aquarius and Capricorn, have returned?'

'No,' Leo said, and it surprised both of us, that was. 'I'm sorry, but there's a rule that newbie's have to experience it themselves, without being prepared. That way, we can see if they're Chaos-Survivors or not, and if they deserve to truly live here or not. From what I've heard, they almost thought Aquarius wasn't a real survivor, because she had a mental breakdown and all – you've heard about that already? Good,' she said when Libra and I nodded. 'But that was sometime before I came, although I have to say, Aqua still didn't come out very often back then.'

'Did you pass the Survivor-test-thingy?' I asked her, to which she smiled again. 'Of course I did. But, the Dwarf wanted to throw me out anyway, she still does, but the others are keeping me in. Just as they're keeping that little Dwarf here, even though I could beat her out with just my pinkie.'

Leo seemed to be very sure of what she was saying, but I had my doubts. Aries looked way stronger and frightening than she did, but, now that I thought about it, there must've been a reason why Aries hadn't been able to kick Leo out, and that reason probably wasn't just that the others wanted her to stay.

In the meantime, Libra had processed her answer and was ready for his next question. 'Alright, next and lastly: what happened between you and Aries that started this fight between you two?'

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