"What else did Zayn do to you that you haven't told me?" He quizzes me. There was no point in lying anymore. I pull up my shirt and show him the scar, I slowly tell him of how it happened. I never, ever seen him look so damn mad. It made me almost want to cry.

"Fuck. Via," he merely drags out through his teeth. "You told me that was from you falling on a bunch of sticks when you went camping with Niall," he puts both his hands on his forehead and let's out a frustrated breath. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"No one knew, Harry. Not even Niall. It's embarrassing and so hard for me to talk about. I'm sorry," a small tear escapes my right eye. Harry reaches his large hand up and wipes it away gently with his warm thumb. I can tell he's torn between being mad at me or wanting to comfort me. "Louis was staying the night and he came in to comfort me 'cos my crying woke him," I continue to avoid talking about the abuse anymore. "Then he kissed me, and for a minor moment I didn't stop him. I was just so caught up in how I was feeling and," I take a breath as I was starting to ramble, worry was filling my insides. "I know we were both so in the wrong. But there was nothing more to it. I don't like him like that at all, and those feelings are mutual," I emphasise.

"So you didn't pull away?" I want to frantically kiss his frown away.

"Well..." I think he just decided he wanted to be mad. The comforting was over. Because now his muscular arms forcefully throw back the covers as he walks out of the room and into the bathroom. I quickly follow him. "No Harry I did!" I defend, "just not immediately." He holds the edge of the sink with white knuckles.

He says nothing. Just stares at the faucet.

"Harry I know I'd be pissed if roles were reversed but I'm telling you at least! Because I fucking love you not him. It was just a kiss. I promise," I desperately try and get my point across.

"Via it wasn't just a kiss," he mocks me. Turning to me with that goddamn frown still evident among his facial features. "You're my girlfriend and Louis is my fricken best friend. Can't you see how wrong that is?"

"Yea I do see that. I said we were both in the wrong and I'm still fuming at myself for letting it get to that point. But it was nothing more Harry." He storms out of the bathroom and strides right passed me, our shoulders brushing. He heads towards the lounge then flops himself down frustratedly.

I didn't want to be petty but it just comes out of my mouth before I can stop myself. "You kissed Eve while we were dating. I was thankful that you told me and I got over it. I understand why you're mad, but can't you do the same? At least a little bit?"

"This is so different Via," he condescends with a low tone. He won't even look at me. My blood begins to boil, though I feel it has no right to.

"How? How is this different? You even told me you didn't pull away immediately!" I try to reply passively but it doesn't really come out that way.

"I already said how it's different," he stares blankly at the tv in front of him, still not paying attention to me standing next to his seated body. "You both mean a lot to me. It's not like Eve meant shit to you. That's how it's different," Harry's words were incredibly stern.

"The kiss meant nothing!" I grunt as I roll my eyes, dragging out my sentence whilst throwing my arms in the air. I didn't think he'd be this mad.

"You know what," he straightens his back from the hunched position he was in, his voice is calm now, almost emotionless. It somewhat scares me. "This has made my choice that little by easier."

"What choice?" I hesitate. This couldn't have pushed him further to move could it? I didn't sleep with Louis or anything.

"To move back home to England." He can't be serious. He can't do that to me. What I did was not okay but for that to trigger him to move to the other side of the world? He's got to be kidding.

"Don't you dare!" I already regret what I did so much, and now he's making me feel more guilty. "It was a fucking mistake. It's not like you're one hundred percent innocent in this relationship! Didn't I just mention to you what you did with Eve?"

He abruptly stands up then turns towards me. His stare is angry. "And didn't I just mention to you how this is different! You're not innocent here!" He takes a step towards me in what seems to be an attempt at getting his point across.

"I never said I was innocent. Stop putting words into my mouth," I merely gnarl at him.

He shakes his head at me, then briskly walks back to his bedroom, slamming the door behind him once he enters. Great.

I stroll over to the closed door, leaning my back against it. "Don't be like this Harry, please," I reply vulnerably through a whisper.

Suddenly I feel the door move from behind me. Boom, I fall oh-so-elegantly to the floor with a loud thud.

"Fuck," Harry whispers to himself as he stands above me. He was so quiet that I almost don't hear him. He stretches out his hand to assist me in getting up.

His strong arm almost throws me onto my feet. "Please Harry don't do this, we need to talk this through," I plead once I'm firmly standing. He out stretches his arm and presents me with my phone that's in his clammy hands. I take it from him carefully.

"I don't want to talk," he looks at me dead in the eye. All I see is pain.

I don't try argue anymore and nor do I try compromise. I just leave his room and continue to his front door and take the tedious trek back to my own flat. I hate this already. I hate that I've made him feel like this.

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