Chapter 1: First Day of High School

Comenzar desde el principio

"I've decided." Gu Jun Hee finally said.

"Okay. Decided on what, aunt Jun Hee?" So Hyun asked out of curiosity.

"It's Madam Chairman for you young lady, since we're at school." Jun Hee reminded. " Well, I've decided that you will join the other students in the regular classes." Jun Hee finally answered.

"What do you mean? As in sharing the same room with them?" Sung Kyoung asked incredulously.

"No way, are you serious mom?" Bobby asked with his alarming voice.

"Yes, I am serious. And how many times do I have to tell you that when we're at school you should call me Madam Chairman." Jun Hee scolded.

"But ever since our parents' time, the school gave special classes to those who are more fortunate like us. Why change now?" Suhyun asked, horrified.

"Yeah, it will be a disaster for us if they..." Hayi started to say but was interrupted by a slight nudge from Suhyun. When she looked around, she saw that the 3 girls were glaring at her.

Seeing the horrified looks on the students' faces, Jun Hee closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she was about to say something, the main door of the office swung open and a boy stood there smirking.

"Oh! Yook Sung Jae! You're late!" Jun Hee walked across the room towards the new comer. She was about to smack Sung Jae on the head but he was able to dodge it by ducking his head. In the blink of an eye, he was already across the room opposite Jun Hee.

"Yah! Yook Sung Jae! You..!" Jun Hee was about to chase him again.

"I agree to the Chairwoman's decision." Sung Jae suddenly blurted making everyone silent. "Yah! If I say I agree, you guys should agree too." Sung jae adressed his gang (Bobby, BI, Jun Hue, Dong Hyuk).

"Are you out of your mind? Yah! Yook Sung Jae, who do you think you are to..." Sung Kyoung stood up out of frustration without her knowing and tried to confront Sung Jae but stopped after feeling the hands of So Hyun on hers. All the other students were surprised by her outburst and then started to laugh quietly by themselves.

"If Sung Jae says so. Okay then, we also agree." Bobby agreed feeling defeated.

"What? Not you too." So Hyun said feeling disappointed about her cousin's desicion.

"Sorry couz. Sung Jae's words." Bobby winks at his cousin and smiled.

"Okay then, it's settled. All of you, go and find what class you belong to." Jun Hee concluded.

"What? You mean we have different classes?" Hayi looked terrified.

"Ofcourse, to exercise equality among students. Don't you think so?" Jun hee asked all of them and all they could do was stare at her silently knowing that there's nothing they could do about her desicion.

All of them kept quiet until they were finally outside the Chairwoman's office. As soon as the door closed behind them, Sung Jae marched towards So Hyun and So Hyun did the same until they came face-to-face.

"Now, I wonder how you will face this So Hyunie." Sung jae smiled wickedly and his friends were now gathered around him protectively.

"Don't you dare call me that. And for your information.. You are SO on." So Hyun anwered back bravely and her F4 friends were also gathered around her, glaring at the boys.

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