Chp 5

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Finding Trisha half-naked in her apartment was heartbreaking. The ambulance came right away and whisked her off to the hospital. Thankfully she is recovering from being drugged and she was not raped.

I cried to myself for being late because my bus arrived late. If I arrived earlier I could have helped her. I felt someone touched my hand and saw Jayvon.

"Jayvon?" I hope I'm not dreaming. I wrapped my arms around his waist wanting to feel his touch and cried into his chest.

"Shhh. Rose, what happened? Why are you here?" His voice soothing me.

"It's Trisha. I found her drugged and half-naked in her apartment. She was unconscious, I don't know what happened." Jayvon squeezed me closer to him, it feels so good to be held but what is he doing here?

"Jayvon, why are you here?"

"My brother was shot."

"I'm sorry to hear that. I think you need a hug more than I do." I hugged hime to comfort him.

"Rose." I can hear the desire in his voice. I loosen the hug and looked into his brown eyes, eyes clouded with desire. I'm a dull girl, I am not desirable.

"Jayvon I am not desirable so stop looking at me like that. Nurse, I am going home and will be back in a few hours for miss Trisha Goldson." The nurse waved at me and I walked down the seven blocks towards my apartment. I opened my door when I heard someone calling my name.

"Rose. Please listen to me." I turned towards Jayvon afraid to look in his eyes.

"Rose, I never want to hear you call yourself undesirable again."

"It's the truth Jayvon, I'm dull and boring. Nobody wants me, men only want what's under my pants. I'm a nobody so leave me alone and find a girl who's your type." Jayvon stepped inside and closed the door behind him. It's just me and Jayvon alone in my apartment.

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