"So..uh, what are you looking for?" he peered into my locker,

"Biology textbook, I can't find it.." I rummaged through my backpack, which now rested on my leg as I balanced it in the air.

"Uh, Liz.." Mason slowly spoke,

"Yeah?" I looked up from my backpack.

"It's right here." he pointed to my locker, where my biology textbook was sitting perfectly in front of my other books.

"Right, thanks." I breathed, grabbing it and shoving it into my backpack. I slammed my locker shut, before slinging my backpack over my shoulder and walking away.

"See you later?" he shouted to me, and I waved my fingers in response as I continued walking.

My book was in the front of my locker...I seriously couldn't have missed it.

"You don't think this is a bit much in terms of firepower for a high school?" Stiles' voice spoke, as I noticed him talking with a deputy, who was holding a rifle-looking gun.

"Your Dad's the one that issued us these things, and he wouldn't officially say why." the deputy spoke, as Scott walked up to Stiles and I.

"Wha- did he say anything unofficially?" Scott chimed in, looking to Stiles and I before his eyes went back to the deputy.

"No. But everyone's got a theory." the un-named deputy responded. I looked closely at his name-tag,


Using my newlyfound information, I added to the conversation. "Well, Strauss, what's yours? Your theory, that is..."

"I shouldn't be talking to you guys. Don't you have class?" Deputy Strauss avoided the conversation,

"Come on, Strauss. What's your theory?" I badgered.

The deputy inspected his surroundings before facing us, "Do you guys believe in the supernatural?"

My eyes widened, as Stiles, Scott, and I exchanged looks.

"Yeah, I gotta get to class.." I stammered, walking away from them. I let out a breath and shook my head as I walked to my biology class.

"No, I-" I fought on the phone with my Aunt Carol in the boys locker room, "I know...and I promise, I will be home after school. Love you too, bye." I sighed, furiously hitting the end-call button as I stood next to Liam.

He was loading some of his lacrosse gear into his gym bag, as I leaned on the locker next to him.

"She's still worried about you?" he furrowed his eyebrows at me,

"Yep." I breathed, "Apparently, not going straight home after we got back to Beacon Hills last night was a mistake."

I knew I shouldn't have fallen asleep on Scott's couch,

"Well, I'm sure she'll forget about it soon...usually she's understanding about that stuff, right?" he acknowledged.

"I mean...yeah, but last time I went on a 'camping trip' it was to Mexico to find Derek. I wouldn't exactly expect her to believe me," I leaned my head back against the locker.

Before Liam could respond, Malia quickly walked over to us.

"Whoa, this is the boys locker room." I announced,

She shot me a look, "Then why are you in here?"

"I'm on the team, and Coach said it's easier if we're all in one place. Although, I honestly think it has something to do with the school budget, and-" I tried to explain,

Revelations ∞ Liam Dunbar [1]Where stories live. Discover now