12 | Library Clean-Up

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Chapter Twelve

I was peacefully sleeping, which I hadn't been able to do in days, until the sound of my phone ringing interrupted my dreams.

I groaned as I felt around my side table, knocking the my alarm-clock off the surface in the process. "Are you serious?" I whined, until I finally grabbed my phone.

"Hello?" I groggily spoke, propping myself up on my elbows.

"Hey...Liz.." Mason trailed off,

"What do you want?" I groaned, desperately wanting to end the call with him so I could get some rest.

"Liam and I could really use your help with-" Mason started,


"But you don't even know what I was going to-" he tried again.

"No." I lightly sang, "I'm tired, Mason."

"Come on, Liz. I know what Liam did was pretty bad, and probably unforgivable, but you're gonna need to forgive him eventually. Everyone will. You can't avoid us forever..." he pointed out.

"Look, Mason, buddy...I don't know what you and Liam want- need." I corrected myself, smiling. "And I don't care. I have enough problems that I'm dealing with right now, and I don't need yours on top of them. Good-Bye." I complained.

"Seriously, Liz? Y'know what...fine." Mason fake-sighed through the phone, causing me to narrow my eyes. "You don't want to help me, one of your closest friends, work through something. I get it, I do. Goodbye, Elizabeth." he trails off,

"Was that your attempt at reverse psychology?" I deadpan.

"Yeah..." he mutters,

"Well, it sucked." I acknowledge, "But, I'll help you."

"Sweet! Yeah, we'll meet you at the school!" Mason joys, hanging up on me before I can change my mind.

I groan in annoyance before throwing myself backwards, laying down again.

I should really find some new friends.

I walked around the school hallways aimlessly, searching for any sign of Mason and Liam.

"Mason?" I whispered, before stopping in my place. "Wait- why the hell am I whispering?" I muttered to myself, "Mason!" I obnoxiously shouted, before turning a corner running straight into someone.

"Ah, sorry my bad-" I started, remaining on the floor until I saw who it was. "Oh. Hi, Liam." I cleared my throat,

"Hey, Liz..." he offered a hand to help me up, which I didn't accept. I slowly got up, and stared at Mason.

"So...Mason." I fake-smiled, "What did you need my help with?" I sassed, brushing off my jeans even though they weren't dirty.

Mason looked away for a second, then resumed eye-contact, clearly feeling threatened by me. "Uh, Liam and I- we uh..." he stuttered, before motioning to Liam. "Take it away, Liam."

Liam's eyes lingered on him for a second before looking at me, "Uh..well I went to the club looking for Hayden and-"

I held a hand up, "No. I'm sorry I can't do this." I let out a laugh as I walked away.

Mason chased after me, grabbing my arm. "Liz, what's wrong?"

"Well, let me begin with the fact that the last time I saw Liam, he was tearing my best-friend - practically brother's - chest apart." I whispered even though I knew Liam was listening to us anyway. "I just- I can't talk to him normally. I know we both agreed on the whole 'break' thing, but I- I can't. I'm not over him, I never will be." I clarified, holding my face with my hands.

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