Chapter 25

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Louis' POV

"What do you think you're doing?" I hiss at Zayn. "What are you talking about?" He asks looking at me dumbfounded. "Why are you getting so close to Alex? It's obvious I have a crush on her. Are you trying to steal her from me?" I shoot question after question at him. "Hold your horses Louis. First off it doesn't really concern you if I'm getting close to her. It isn't that obvious you like her and she isn't yours. She isn't anyone's, if she wants you then she will go after you and she wants me she will go after me!" He yells at me. "Well now you know I have a crush on her and its not a small middle school crush. It's a crush that when I'm away from her my heart hurts, when I with her I ache to hold her and all I want to do is make her happy!" I he'll at him and he looks at me shocked.

"You don't deserve her." Zayn spats at me.

Before I know it I'm on the ground sobbing. All my life I've been told I'm not good enough. When one of my best friends tells me I don't deserve a girl I desperately want it's like a stab to the heart.

Alex walks up to gives me a hug. When I meet her eyes I see there filled with tears to. "Louis, what's wrong?" She asks wiping the tears off my cheeks with her thumb. "You don't need to know." I say sadly, looking down.

"I think I do, considering it has to do with me." I look up startled by her words. "You heard?" She nods her head a couple tears running down her face. I wipe them away.


She stands up quickly. "Where are you going?" I ask her standing up, Zayn stepping forward. "I'm going home. I'm tearing all of your friendships apart. I can't stand to know I'm destroying your friendships so I thought for your sake I should leave." She grabs her bag and keys and walks out of the door.

When she walked out of the door a piece of my heart left with her.

Alex's POV

When I leave there house I can't help but feel sad. I really liked living with someone. I've been living alone for so long that I forgot how it felt. But I was tearing apart there friendships and I couldn't do that; I had to leave.

When I walk down the street I feel like there's someone watching me. I also hear somebodies footsteps behind me.

When I turn around I see Louis running after me.

Hey guys!! How's was this chapter? I'm hoping it was good. If you liked it you should comment why and if you didn't like it comment why and Ill see what I can do in future chapters to improve it. Vote if you liked/enjoyed/loved this chapter I could really use them. If you guys could fan me I would really appreciate that and if you want to inbox me go right ahead. Promote this book if you enjoy it, I would really appreciate that because I work really hard on it and I'd like to know people like it.

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