Chapter 11

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Read authors note at the end of this chapter and ALL chapters please and thank you! Enjoy chapter 11. XXSarah

Alex's POV

I set the smaller of the 2 books aside and I look at the bigger one. I open it slowly and I'm surprised at what I see. Inside there's pictures of all my favorite things. From my favorite food to my favorite band Niall put pictures of it all in here. It's incredible. That's why I had to answer all those questions. 

I turn the final page and I look at the last picture. The picture shows my dream date destination, it's on the beach with my favorite food in a picnic and there's Niall sitting on the blanket staring at the camera with a toothy grin. I look at the caption and it reads...

I hope you'll be able to join me soon. Love you and I'm so sorry for what happened. -XOXO Niall.

That is so sweet. I can't believe he did this for me, it's incredible. 

I grab my phone off what I'm guessing is my bedside table and I text Niall.

That scrapbook you made me was so sweet and I can't wait to join you. ;) Miss you lots -Ally

Now what am I going to do. I know I'll text the other boys and see if they can visit me.

To Louis,

I'm so bored! Can you come visit me please? You'll be my best friend 


To Zayn,

I'm dieing of boredom in this hospital come save me please!


To Liam,

Hey Li Li! I'm bored and I wish for some company. Care to grant my wish?


I put my phone down and look at the smaller book. I notice he got me The Hobbit. He knows my secret, I love fantasy and the Hobbit is my favourite book. He's so sweet. 

I settle down and I'm about to open my new book when my phone vibrates.

To Ally,

I'm glad you like your first present! I'll join you as soon as I can. Text the others and see if they can visit you. Miss you.

-XOXO Niall 

I reply saying that I've already texted the boys then Louis and Zayn text me.

Sorry Ally but I have a date with my new girlfriend Sabrina. I might be able to visit you later. Also if you're dieing of boredom at least the hospital will be able to save you. :) -Zayn

Smart ass. I really want to meet this Sabrina. 

I want to see this Sabrina! When do I get to meet her? Could you bring her around some time? -Ally

Now for Louis.

I thought I was already your best friend. But as your best friend I'll come visit you. Do you want me to bring you something? -Boo Bear

Boo Bear? I still can't get over that name.

I would like a bookmark that's not girlie, preferably a nerdy one. :) And I would like to get out of this hospital! -Ally

Yay I have somebody coming to visit me. Ooh Liam text me back!

Li Li really? Anyways I can't grant your wish I'm going on a date with Danielle. We might pop by later. No promises though. ;) -Leeyum

Well at least I have Boo Bear coming to visit me. 

Sorry Ally something came up I can't visit you right now maybe tomorrow. Sorry honey. :( I'm really sorry. -BB

Just great now I'm stuck in here with nothing but my book.

I open my new book and something falls out. A note? From Harry!


Hey guys! How was this chapter? How do you think Harry got a note into the book Niall gave her? What do you think the letter says? Comment what you think.

Also I dedicated this chapter to my dear friend and fellow wattpad member Sabrina Gulden because she is now dating Zayn in the story. Thank you for supporting this book Sabrina. :) Your amazayn!

I'd really appreciate it if you guys did in fact comment, vote and fan me. I'd like to know what you guys think and that you like what I'm doing otherwise I don't have to write this book or any of my other books and I can stop updating and you'll be left wondering what could've happened if only you voted, commented and fanned. So please comment, vote and fan because I know you all want to know what happens next. :)

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