Chapter 26

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Alex's POV

When I see Louis running towards me I stand were I am and I wait for him. He reaches me in a matter if seconds.

"Alex, please don't leave." He begs in between his gasps for breath. "Louis, I can't go back and watch your guys friendship get ripped apart." I pat his arm and he looks me in the eyes.

"If you aren't coming back to the house with me then I'll go back to your house with you." He says and I shake my head. "I can't let you do that." He smiles. "Of course you can. I want to and remember what Magi is going to try and do to you? Somebody has to stay with you." I let out a heavy sigh before taking his hand. "Fine I'll go back to the house with you but first I need to grab some things from my house." He nods his head and we slowly start walk to my house.

Why does he care so much? Nobodies ever cared about me, not even my parents.

We reach my house and I quickly open the door. We step inside and Louis gasps in awe at the sight. It's not much to me but I have to say its quite roomy, maybe a little to roomy. I take Louis upstairs to my bedroom and he sits down on my bed looking around. There's posters of all my favourite singers/actors/movies and so on.

I go into my closet and I grab a backpack before setting it on the bed. "What are you doing?" Louis asks looking at me curiously. "It looks like I'm staying at your hose for a while so I thought I'd grab some more clothes and stuff." He nods and gets up moving towards me. "Can I pick out your clothes?" He asks me sweetly and I sigh. "Fine, shirts, sweaters and shoes are in the closet, the rest is in the top 3 drawers of my dresser." He nods his head and I exit my room and head to the washroom to grab stuff from there.

I put some stuff into my cosmetics bag before quickly walking back to my room. I step inside to find Louis looking at my bras and panties. I stand quietly at the doorway watching him intently.

He holds up my Batman bra with matching underwear. "These are defiantly going with that outfit." He mutters before walking over to the bed. I look to see he has a pair of black leggings on my bed. He walks over to my closet and looks through my tops. He grabs my Batman t-shirt and my sweater with all the superhero and villain logos and signs on it and put it on the bed. He looks through my socks and grabs one Batman sock and one Batgirl sock and places them on the bed. He picks up my bra again and smiles at it, I see where his minds going with that.

"I take it you like my bras." He looks up and sees me standing there blushing. "Maybe." He says and I smile walking towards him. "That's okay." I whisper in his ear before kissing his cheek. He winks and I go and put the outfit in my bag.

He picks me out 6 more outfits and they look amazing.

Louis checks his phone and I look over his shoulder to see Zayn sent him a text.

Liam and I are going out for supper. Do you and Alex want to join us?


I look at Louis and I smile at him. "Can we go?" I ask him and he smiles. "Duh! Why wouldn't we?" I smiles but then I look down at what I'm wearing. "I need to change. Can you pick me something nice to wear?" I ask feeling the heat rush to my cheeks. He nods and quickly texts Zayn asking him where we're going. We find out we're going to a fancy restaurant downtown and Louis gets to work picking me an outfit.

As I wait for him I take this time to look at his body. He's macular, his facial features are very handsome and he looks really good.

He picks out my outfit and I look at what he chose for me. It's my black silky skirt, pink low cut top and my black toms.

"Louis, they outfit's beautiful but I'll feel over dressed." He smiles at me before going and looking for a different outfit.

He hands me black leggings, light blue v-neck and my black toms. I smile at his outfit chose.

"Turn around, I have to change." He gets a devious smile on his face. "I could help you." He says before grabbing the hem of my shirt. I let him slowly lift it up and off of my head and he tosses it aside. He looks at me with excitement in his eyes. I smile and he walks towards me.

"You're so beautiful." He whispers staring into my eyes. Before I know it I've pulled Louis head down and I attach our lips. Our lips mood together and he pulls me closer to him as I put my hands in his hair pulling on it lightly. He slides his tongue across my lip asking for entrance and I allow it automatically. His tongue shoots into my mouth winding its way around mine. We pull back when we start running out of breath. We look into each others eyes and a smile comes across both of our faces.

I pull back and I grab my shirt and I pull it over my head. I quickly change my pants feeling Louis gaze on me the entire time. I brush my hair before slipping on my toms.

"We ready?" I ask him and he smiles taking my hand. "I am if you are." He says planting another kiss on my lips.

Louis POV

It felt absolutely amazing kissing Alex. Her lips for perfectly with mine and I already care for her so much it's unreal. I know she just broke up with Niall but I can't help myself when I'm with her. What am I suppose to do know?


Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter. I won't be able to update this weekend because I'm camping. Please comment, vote and fan. Promote this book to your friends, I'd love to get more reads. I'll try updating Monday. Bye!

Being bullied isnt bad enough you have to throw love in tooTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon