I smelt the pancakes half way down the stairs and was drooling at the scent. If it smelt that good here, the pancakes must taste like heaven!

It was packed full people trying to get hands of the pancakes and I nearly frowned that there might not be some for me anymore. I hated myself for not being here early now. Kaden's cooking must be very amazing for bringing up a crowd in the morning. I'll personally ask him to cook me something later on! 

Mind linking Kaden that I be heading to school right now, making sure he knows I left. Thankfully Jack doesn't have to guard me since Kaden swore he would not order others to watch over me, but he'll just be there to check on me. Which is fine, as long as he gives me some alone time is good.

'Oh you don't want breakfast that I made.' He replied in mind link.

'Even if did, there probably won't be none left for me, so its alright. I'll get some breakfast along the road to school.' I said sadly.

I thought I didn't mind it, but I still felt sad that there would be none for me left, and I didn't want to be there when it comes true.


I interrupted and said goodbye, and blocked him out of my thoughts right after. I shouldn't be acting this way, it's not like me!

Furious at myself I had left straight to school, with out even stopping to get food.

Jessica texted me earlier saying she'll be waiting at the front, guessing she is still worried about what happened yesterday.

Parking my car at the front since there's a lot of them open still and eventually got out my car, which I ended up getting jumped by the deadly bear hug from Jessica who is crying out words that no one on earth could understand.

"Calm down Jess! Nothing bad happen!" I reassured her.

She let go and stared into my eyes like she doesn't believe me," I'm pretty sure you something terrible happened, Alpha Kaden looked like Satan himself about to burn you alive. Plus you look terrified yourself."

I laughed at the way she described him," At first yes, because he look extremely pissed that time. But I took care of it all and we are alright right now."

She wiped away the last of her tears and smiled," What do you mean alright? Don't tell me you two... You know? Did the deed!"

I had no clue what she meant, so she whispered it in my ear and I jumped blushing like crazy.

"NOO! We did not do that at all! But we did kiss." Blushing even more just by saying that.

She squealed when I said that and cheered," oh my god! Then you should thank me then! If you hadn't ditched, you guys wouldn't have done that!"

I looked at her," Ditched or not, We probably still have done that.. But thanks I guess."

We both ended up walking inside school now, and having a deep convo about what's my mate like with me, and how he changed, and what current events happen between us. Until the bell rang and we had to go our separate ways.

It was fun telling someone about my problems, I should have made some friends in the past if I knew it would feel this way. So far Jessica my best friend already, even though it might not be that way to her, I didn't care.

Heading to my English class, I noticed my teacher is a women called Ms. Stewart, She looks to be between her 30's and is definitely human. She looks nice, but as you can say looks can fool you.

I looked at the seats and wondered if its arranged seating's or its optional so I asked," Umm can we sit anywhere we like?"

The teacher looked up at me and looked back down not saving another glance," If you were not skipping the first day of school, you would know by now that you can sit anywhere you like."

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