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Magnolia woke with a sudden shock. Her body hurt all over. She tried to move her arms, but found them tied down. In fact her whole body was attached to some sort of table that had been tilted up as though she was standing up straight. Barely able to move her head, she glanced around the room. It was dark and cold and control panel sat by the table she was attached to with glaring red buttons.

A noise of the automatic door opening startled Magnolia. Inside stepped two Storm Troopers followed by Captain Phasma.

"You're awake." The silver Trooper noted, circling around her. "After having to bludgeon you to keep quiet the way up here, we thought you would be out longer."

That explains the pain. Magnolia said to herself.

"We have a few questions we'd like to ask you." Phasma said. "Comply, and your treatment here will be much nicer. Refuse, and you'll only suffer."

"Like I would tell you anything!"Magnolia huffed watching Captain Phasma glide over the control panel.

"I had a feeling it would start this way." the silver Trooper sighed. She pressed one of the buttons on the panel.

A shock swept through Magnolias restraints causing her to cry out in pain.

"Care to divulge anything?" Phasma asked.


More pain came as electric currents shot through her body. Her breathing became heavy and vision blurry. Even though it hurt, Magnolia knew she couldn't give up the map or any information about the Resistance. She thought of Poe and what he might do in her situation.

As Phasma circled around her, she felt her mind slip away to Poe. How she missed him. It really hadn't been that long since she left for her mission to Jakku but each time the two had to say goodbye to each other, the fact that one of them might not come back alive made them fearful. She thought back to their goodbye before her trip.

"You get in and out of there. Come back home to me. You got it Mags?" Poe whispered in her ear and using her nickname as hugged her close.

"I will." she whispered back letting herself out of the tight embrace to get into her ship.

As she took off she remembered him waving, his expression full of worry.

Slipping back into reality, Magnolia felt a tear slide down her face. She tried to wipe the look of sorrow off her face before anyone could notice.

"I see that the shock is taking a toll on you." Phasma remarked.

Magnolia stiffened and did her best to straighten up. "I won't give you anything." She sneered she felt her confidence go up as she continued to talking "you can keep hurting me, but I won't give in. The Resistance will find me, and you will be destroyed."

"Is that so?" Phasma asked. She turned a knob on the control panel and slammed a hand down on a button.

Magnolia flet her whole body shudder and then suddenly pain went crashing down her spine. What felt like pinpricks and fire washed over her skin and she felt herself falling in and out of consciousness.

"I'm sure the Resistance is on the way right now." Phasma scoffed. She turned towards the Troopers guarding the door. "Alert us when she is awake." She told the guards and sauntered out the door.

Magnolia was struggling to keep her eyes open as she watched Phasma slip out the door. The two Troopers watching her stood in front of it, glaring at the prisoner.

"You think she'll ever give it up?" she heard one asked the other.

"Maybe." The other responded. "Besides, she'll have to deal with Ren eventually, and we all know how that works out."

The two chuckled to each other as Magnolia felt herself blackout.

Yeah, so I know this chapter is hella short, but I'm trying to space stuff out. Thanks for reading!

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