Alteration- Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


A week passed and Amelie could still not get all Ian said out of her mind. At first she just complained all day to Erin, who got mad and told her to please just forget him. So lately she just acted as if she didn't care and was totally happy, but she wasn't.

While resting her head on her arm she stared at her plate of spaghetti as she rolled around the noodles with a fork, anything was better than watching Erin and Tom get all cheesy. She used to love romantic films and shiping people together but now she was just annoyed at always ending up the third wheel when she wanted to hang out with Erin. They had been kissing for about 15 minutes non-stop.

"You know what guys, I'm not even hungry so I'm leaving to..."

"Oh no no, stay please" Erin said grabbing her arm.

"But I have this thing I need to get to..." Amelie lied

Erin gave her a "please" look and Amelie responded with a "Sorry" look.

She started walking around campus when she found Daniel walking with a tray of food to a distant table.

"Hey Dan" Amelie said walking beside him

"Hey" he answered.

"Can I join you guys? I feel kind of alone eating with Erin and her boyfriend"

Dan laughed. "Yeah sure, you know you don't have to ask"

"Hey guys" Amelie said friendly as she sat down

"Hey!" they all answered, but quickly continued their conversation.

They were talking about the Valentine's Day party they were organizing that night.

"Will you go Amelie? Please go!" said Lucy

"Uh, I-I don't know, I didn't know about it" Amelie stuttered

"Don't worry about it Lucy, Erin will make her go" Dan said smiling

"What? Why? Does she know about it?"

"As if Erin didn't know about all the social events going on" said Ricky smiling too.

"Well if she knows she'll probably drag me there so don't worry Lucy" said Amelie.

"Okay, are you taking a date?" Lucy said and bit her lip out of excitement.

Amelie chuckled "Of course not."

"Then we're getting you one" said Liz getting excited "Add her to the list Lucy"

"What list?" she asked suddenly nervous

"Liz and I are playing matchmakers tonight'' said Lucy "We don't want anyone alone on Valentine's Day"

"Umm girls you really don't have to do that I..." Amelie started

"There's no way around them" said Dan "they have convinced everyone"

"Yeah you'll have a date tonight even if you don't want to" said Ricky

The last thing Amelie wanted now was a guy. She wasn't interested in any casual relationships so why did they even bother pairing her up with someone for the party. She just needed to find a way around Erin and wouldn't go.

"Sure, good luck with that" Amelie answered and they continued their talk about how cool the party would be, who was going, and what pairs had they done already.

"Hey guys I need to go, Erin is my ride home" she said standing up and taking her bag

"Okay see you at the party!" said Liz while everyone said "bye"

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