seventeen • tell me i'm a bad man, kick me like a stray

Start from the beginning

So annoyed, actually, that he often times didn't even notice the bruises Ghoul would come home with.

He wanted anything but to confront Lockdown and break up with him in all honesty, not because of anything other than the simple fact that he was scared to. Fun Ghoul was actually scared to do something, which was new even for him. Maybe there was also the fact he was still head-over heels for Party, but that was besides the point. Honestly, he didn't want to tell anybody about it because of how embarrassing that would be, but he also didn't want to call it quits with Lockdown because of his generally aggressive behavior; around everyone else he was completely normal, happy-go-lucky kinda guy just going for a walk with his boyfriend, but when it was just them alone he was either demanding sex or giving Ghoul a bruise for something wrong he'd done (when honestly, the only wrong thing he'd done was decide to leave the diner with Lockdown that morning).

Coming back to the diner at two in the morning and hiding a black eye was harder than it sounded. A lot harder than it sounded. Especially with Mikey's general need to get up around that time and find a juice box or go out for a cigarette, Jet's habits of being a light sleeper, and basically everyone else thinking that as soon as there were footsteps that early it was either Mikey or a draculoid- and Mikey didn't shuffle his feet when he walked through the diner because he was polite enough to try and not wake up everybody.

So when a still half-asleep Jet Star aimed his gun at Fun Ghoul's head, he was thoroughly shocked. "F-Frank? Oh, it's just you," he mumbled, yawning and lowering his gun.

"Yeah, it's just me. I didn't mean to wake you up, I'm sorry."

Through the dark, Jet managed to cock an eyebrow. This was unusual as fuck- Ghoul apologizing for something as simple as that. "What do you mean, you're sorry?"

"I mean I'm sorry."

"Who are you and what have you done with Frank Iero?" He was honestly only half joking. Ghoul could see this, and just shook his head.

"Just me, ya dumbshit. I'm exhausted and going to bed though, night."


There was no way Ghoul was getting up that morning. He was supposed to go out to scavenge for things with Party (bound to be awkward, but it was his turn), but not only was his mat comfortable in this position, but he was warm and snuggly and there was no fucking way anyone was going to see his eye if he stayed here. Maybe he could become an emo teenager for a day, who knows, but that would only last so long. After a knock at the door and a grunt, footsteps approached his sleeping mat and there was a collective sigh.

"Get your lazy ass up, we have places to be and shit." Party was talking, but Ghoul just groaned and buried his face in the actually decent pillow. "I will drag you out in your goddamn briefs. outside in fifteen minutes."

"Alright, fine, jeez."

The door had audibly shut before Frank had stood up and gotten into his clothes and started trying to style his hair. He gave up on that quickly and instead began searching through the drawers for any makeup with the search turning unsuccessful. Okay, so he needed a story. What could work? How about he'd fallen last night when he was coming back and hit a rock? Yeah, that could work... Or he got in a fight with some other Killjoys and they gave him that? Better. Not the truth, but a decent enough lie.

Walking out casually was no easy task. Today was one of the 'no eating unless we find rations' days, which sucked to begin with, but that also meant nobody was in one place. So he was bound to get asked numerous times about the assorted bruises and hidden hickeys. Honestly, who could he talk to about it? The situation was embarrassing as fuck- what kind of guy wants to admit to getting the shot kicked out of him by his partner?

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