Chapter 8

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The past few days my stomach has been getting bigger... its been almost a month since our honeymoon.

"Austin!" I yell from upstairs.

"Yeah?" He yells back

"Could you come here please?" I hear him running up the stairs an the door open

"What happened?" He had a worried look on his face

"Is it just me or is my belly getting bigger?" He looked and put his hands on my stomach

"It is a little.. hmm" he looked like he was thinking.. "you wanna go to the hospital? Have some test?" he asked looking at me

" yeah kinda, its getting me worried" he nods and gets his keys.

"Come on princess" he grabs my hand and leads me downstairs, we stop at the door an put on our matching Js and head out


"Well we have some news for you both" the doctors says walking in after taking test

We nod and wait, " Mrs. Mahone.... your pregnant!"

My jaw dropped "pregnant??" I was in full shock... how? Oh god that night.. but we took two test... stupid test you liar!

I looked at Austin and he was looking at the ground in full shock.

Oh god.. please dont let him leave me.

"How long?" I day turning back to him.

"3 weeks" he smiles " youll be due in July or August, we will let you know soon"

I nod and thank him. Standing up i walk out with Austin following behind me.. im scared he hasnt said anything or made a move..

I mean a baby? Pregnant? We jus got married a month ago... please don't have him leave.. i cant do this by myself..

"Well..." i said breaking the silence in the car.

He didnt say a thing... we gothome he went right back to the studio.

Wow.. hes... no no. Dont you dare you can do this.

I have a feeling hes gonna leave.. so ill leave before he does.. get a job. Get my GED, go to collage online.. i got this.

I go upstairs & pack my clothes, makeup shoes, get a few $100 dollars bills out of his drawer to start off on.

I walk downstairs grab my keys a thing to eat an a drink.

I put my stuff by the door an walk to his studio..

I open the door, " Austin im jus gonna..."

I walk in an see things on the floor... his trophy papers.. "Austin?"

I turn my head and see him sitting on the cough his head in his hands.

"Austin whats all this?" I kneel down in front of him

"You're pregnant... your fucking pregnant" he pulls at his hair

"Is that a problem Austin? Or this gonna change everything" i said standing up backing away, he looks up at me with his eyes bloodshot.

"Is it a problem? Laurenn i have a career... we just got married an we already have a baby?" He stood up and walked near me" i think you need to get an abortion"

I stumbled back from watch he said "what? Abortion?" I looked at him with pure hate

"Im keeping this god damn baby. your career or jot an you don't like it ill leave. Career or not this baby deserve a fucking chance you prick!" He looked took back, i rolled my eyes an walked out.

Grabbing the bag i open then the door an took them to the car.

after getting it loaded Austin runs out "Baby dont leave me" he followed me around the car, i just walked,didnt get in.. i wanted to hear what he had to say.

"And why not? You want to kill our little baby, im precious creation,why tf would you want to that Carter!!!" I scream the last part making my eyes water.

" look Laurenn, i was being stupid. I was being selfish please.. just please. I want this i want our family.. it jus happened so fast..please baby dont go...

I just stood there..... "you're so fucking bi-polar!" I rub my temples while i hear him giggle at my comment

"And so are you," he puts a piece of hair behind my ear "its one of the reasons why i love youu" i couldn't stay mad at him. Yes he said abortion, which is stupid. But I'm glad he caught me before i felt, idk if I can do this shit alone...


This chapter is soo fucked up omg. I need my game back. Lol okay my babycarrots, hope your still hereee cause I'mma try to update every Saturday an Tuesday, that gucci? Comment tell me stuff. An comment ideas💜💜

I love youu guys😍😍😈🔥

He kept his Promise..♡ {am}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя