:Chapter 2

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*i couldn't wait! Lol*


*A day before the wedding*

"Austin! What are you doing? Your not suppose to see before the wedding! It's bad luck!" I said giggle while Austin sneaked his way into my room, we are in California in a beach hotel

We're having the wedding under a silo tree on the beach, it's beautiful. Me an Austin have separate rooms before of, well, I just said it.

"I needed to see my princess! I missed you so much baby!" He exclaimed jumping on my bed next to me

" I missed you to baby, I love you so much" I said laying closer to him

" I love you more babygirl" I giggled deviating on if I wanna argue "& don't you dare start an argument with me Hunter!" He added.

Damn it... I love it when he puts me in my place...kinda turns me on...

I bite my lip... "and stop getting horny babe" he winked and went to the mini fridge

I look down and plus "what? I-im not"

"Princess you bite your lip when your horny and your stuttering. You want me to check to see if your legs are shaking? " I shook my head and touched my thighs.

He knew me way to well...my thighs give my...horniness away...they tremble when he even touches them. Idk why. He just has that affect on me. I love it.

"Babe!! Babe! LAURENN!" I finally hear Austin trying to get my attention?

"Yes love?" I said trying to play it off..

"What are you thinking about?" He asked while coming towards me entwining our fingers

I didn't feel like arguing so I just told him "what you do to me"

After I said that a smirk came to his face.."Oh you mean this" he rubs up my thigh near my,sex and I feel my legs tremble beneath his touch. God damn I wish I could hide it sometimes.

" baby girl calm down..." he pasued and God close to my ear like he was about to whisper something...."don't forget our honeymoon" he whispered giving me shivers all down my spine.

I wanted him to just take me there... but he couldn't.


ITS TIME....it's time for the wedding...I was dressed in my wedding dress...my hair half up and half down, in beautiful loose curls with my moms pearled pin from her wedding.

I was waiting behind the big doors while my brother walked up. "Ready little sis?" My brother Chris asked...I didn't like my step dad and I didn't want him to walk me down the isle...so my brother was the closest thing I had.... since my dad was to busy...

"Nervous...but ready" I smiled and he chuckled.

"Its normal to be nervous..." he smiled and it gave me a warm happy feeling "you look beautiful Pookie" he called by the nickname he only calls me.

I chuckled " Thanks Bubba...".I kissed his cheek and the music started to play.

"Shall we?" And he held out his arm

I giggled at his accent "we shall" I said mocking him while latching arms.. & the doors slowly opened.

As we walk slowly behind the petals fell from the kids , I look around and see all my,family and all of Austins..I see all,the smiles and tears of joy...I see people taking pictures...I lo I've seeing that I made the right choice...for getting my true love...and for maybe everyone happy...

As I'm done lo ookinf at the crowd, I look and see Austin just staring at me...he had the biggest smile on his face and I even seen a couple tears that he didn't even care to wipe away...I've never seen him cry...I must mean a lot of to him like he says....

As we get to the stairs Austin walks down and Chris kisses my cheek for the goodbye... "take care of my little sister" I hear him whisper to Austin, henods at Chris as he leads me up the stairs and joins the rest of the boys behind Austin.

"You look absolutely stunning Mrs. Mahone" he whispered as we got to the top step. I look down and blush.

"We are gathered here today to joy the marriage of Mrs. Vieten && Mrs. Mahone,

Do you Austin Cater Mahone , take this woman to be your lovingly wedded wife, to love and to hold, through sickness and health, till death do you part?" He asked Austin...

He said slowly not looking away from me as tears escaped my eyes. "I most certainly do" a few people laugh..

"& do you Lauren Hunter Marie Vieten take this man to be your lovely wedded husband ,to love and to hold,through sickness & health, till death do you part?" I choked a little.

"How could I not!" I,chuckled and smiled

Then I know pronounce you husband and wife, you may...kiss...the bridge...

Austin lifts the vale and grabs my face softly slowly leaning in...

I couldn't wait so I crashed my lips into his catching him by surprise but he kissed back right away.

In the back ground everyone cheered and clapped... we soon pulled away...

I was finally Mes. Mahone... my dream came true....

"I love you so much " I whispered.

"I love you my Mrs. Mahone" I chuckle and kiss him again.

He's mine forever...I'm his forever.

How else could it get any better??


Hey my,baby's!!!! I hope you like this chapter!!! Sorry I haven't updated I haven't had a phone!! but I'm back! Yay!!!!

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