chapter 6

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I was awaken by a phone ringing l, seeing it was Austin not wanting to bother I declined it.

2 minutes later the phone rung again. I picked it up an seen it said unknown number. So I answered.

"Hello?" I croaked

"Well hello slut" a familiar voice said evily

"Becky?" I sat up trying not to wake up Austin.

"That's right. And I'm coming for you. Austin was mine, we was suppose to get married, watch your back bitch because I'm coming."

"Why don't you stay out of our life, do us all a favor and disappear!" I raised my,voice a little bit, feeling Austin sit up I put it on speaker.

"Oh you'd love that wouldn't you? Just know that you'll be disappearing and I'll be taking your place. I'll be comforting Austin while he cries to me. Your nothing special slut" she exclaimed, I could feel her smirking.

"If I'm jot special why did Austin choose me over a cunt like you?" With that I hung up.

"Who was that?" Austin asked worry in his face with a little rage.

I glared at him pissed "Becky!"


Its the last day of our honeymoon sadly and well be going back to Miami with the boys. Gah.

Dont get me wrong I miss them but I love being alone with Austin.

"Babe?" He said interupptong my thought. "Ready?"

I smile and nod, getting ready for the 3 1/2 hour plane ride home.(idk if that's the real time)

"Let's go! And I got a surprise when we get home" he winks and helps me in his range rover

I wonder what it is!


"Laurenn wake up! Were here" I look around and see that we've landed in Florida. Thank god

I get up and feel so,tired and kinda annoyed cause I only slept 30 minutes.

"Almost home."

He said as we get into the car.

On the way home one of Austins songs came (can't fight this love) and he decided to sing the whole song to me

"And the one thing that I know , can't fight this love.
Can't fight this energy,
Its natural its taking over me, its taking over me, can't fight this loooove going straight through my vien!
It took one look and it was all over! One smile and I was lonst, you brought through my definseeees so I'm yourrrrs! Can't fight this love, can't fight this energy its natural, its taking over me, can't fight this loooove going straight through my veins , can't fight thus, can't fight ,can't fight this looove" he smiled

"Awhhhh so cute" I pecked his lips .

"Your so cute" he chuckles at me acting all lovey dovey

I gave him a nasty face " ewh no, stop lying"

"Ha! Your kidding? Your fucking gorgeous, so stfu before I beat your sexy ass!" He said putting me in my place

"Damn" I mumbled. It turns me on when he does that. I felt myself get a little wet and crossed my legs.

"Ugh oh. Someone excited?" He placed his hand on my inner thigh *weakness*

"N-no I'm fine" shit. I stuttered.

"Baby, you can't lie to me, I know your weaknesses" he seductively stated. To bad its true.

"I-i-" he chuckled,

"Calm down princess" I frowned when he called me that an he just winked.

We pulled into a unknown driveway.

"Why are we here? I thought we was going home?" I said confused.

"We are." He smiled and got out coming to my side opening my door for me "come princess"

I smiled and got out.

When we walked inside, the place was bigger than my future, no joke it looked like a full on ball room.

Living room to the left and a movie room to the right and stairs on both sides and a hall,in the middle, kitchen in the back. It was my,dream house.

As I went upstairs there was a room at the end that was huge! And a walk in closet the side of my room,back home.

"Like it?" Austin said walking behind me

"Yes its amazing!! this ours?" I asked with hope.

"This oh no" he smiled I frowned a little

"Come" I followed him

We stopped in from of a two door wall frame, "this, is ours" he opened the door and the was huge. There was a wall of class to see the beach and sunset, a king size bed and I seen our wedding pictures on the wall beside our bed.

To the right there was a bathroom with a jaccouzi and a shower, two sinks

One with a straightener, a wand, blower drying and beauty products(make up purfume etc) my side I was guessing

The other had Axe things and gel, for him.

There was two robes hanging on the wall I felt it and it felt like a beautiful clouds. I felt something on it so when I looked it said "Mr. Mahone" my eyes grew wide . I looked at the other and seen it said "Mrs. Mahone" I was in tears. This is most amazing think that has happened. This is all so beautiful

Its amazing " don't cry baby, you deserve this" I tear dropped from my,eye as he came and hugged

"Thank you so much!! I've never had anything like this!" He chuckles

"That's the point, I'm giving you anything and everything you ever wanted, this is only the beginning babygirl. I'm gonna spoil you..because you deserve it!" He said looking me in the eyes with his hazel ones

" I love you so fucking much!" I screamed hugging me so tight

" I know baby, I love you more"




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