chapter 5

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Laurenn's POV

I go to the bathroom ready to take the pregnancy test Austin bought. I'm kinda nervous... Are we ready for a baby? We just got married....

I do my business to the test an sat there waiting. When I heard it I read to see what it sent 2 lines for preggo. 1 for not.

I look at the pregnancy test and there's only 1 line! That means I was just sick yesterday. Thank goodness.

For some reason I'm kinda disappointed....

I walk out to Austin and show him the results.

"Are you okay?" He asked giving me a hug

"Yeah I'm fine! I don't think were ready anyway. We just got married" I giggled

"Even if we wasn't I'd still be here for you to take care of it" he smiled and kissed my forehead.

"Know.. Let's go to the pool!!"


Its now 6 o'clock in the morning and I couldn't go back to sleep. I'm hungry....

I got up and went downstairs to look for something to cook.

I grabbed some breaded okra and dill pickles to eat. (Weird combo I know)

As I cooked the okra I ate the pickles. I looked in the cabinet and found some twix (how did he know??) I smiled to myself thinking about Austin getting my favorite candy.. Awhiee

Soon the okra was done so I grabbed a bottle of hot sauce and went to the island table behind me.

I sat on the stool and drowned the okra in hot sauce and started smashing.

I heard footstep making me jump up and run the the back for the broom. I slowly make my way to the front door.. I look out the window to see and unfamiliar car... And without warning to myself I screamed "AUSTIIINNN!!!!"

I heard someone hit the floor which I'm guessing he fell off the bed. I giggled to myself. I,turn around and he running down the stairs shirtless in gym,shirts an messy hair

"God damn Laurenn what's wrong with you. You gave me a heart attack are you okay?" He said rubbing his eyes.

"I'm fine I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you so b-" he cut me off

"Okay well then I'm going back to sleep" he said in a yawn

"But Austin the-"

"Goodnight princess"

"Its 7 in the morning. But fine if you wanna be that way, if I get kidnapped its your fault." I crossed my arms as he looked at me turning around going to open the door.

"Why would you get kidnapped?" He furrowed his eyebrows

"Cause there's someone parked in front of the house." He snapped back opening the door

"Shut the door!!!!!" He yelled and Hurty an did as told.

"Why?" I said getting kinda scared

"Because why would you open the door if someone we don't know is parked out there. We could barely see the car through the rain and thunder. A few minutes passed and the car drove away.

"Good there gone." He exclaimed going back upstairs

I walked back to the kitchen "Laurenn your not coming??"

"No...I got hungry so I made food." I smiled as he walked in the kitchen

"Ewh what is that?" He made a gross face

"Hot sauce and okra dipshit" I giggled at his face.

"That's a mean word! And that's gross" he said pointing at me then my food.

"Your not eating so,font worry about it babez" I smiled

" babez?" He raised his eyebrow

"Yeah you got a problem with that word??" He cocked

"No no, and calm your attitude Missy" he exclaimed

"What if I don't wanna" I said getting closer and grabbing his sides making him groan

"Then were gonna have to punish you Mrs. Mahone" he bit his lip and grabbed my ass lifting me up.

I wrapped my legs around his torso as he carried me upstairs " you smell like hot sauce and pickles" I laughed

"That's what I ate, hold on" I ran to the bathroom as he put me down and I brush my teeth.

"Better?" I smiled


"Wanna take a shower?" I wink and pulled at his gym shorts

"My pleasure" he grabbed my hand pulling me closer.

This is gonna be a good day.


Holaaaaaa!!!!! How is everyone?? This is a fill in and I had a request to update so I did! I love y'all and I'll update again soon cause I need to get back on track with these. Okay I'm in sewing class so byee loves

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