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"Shit. Shit. Shit." I quietly mumbled under my breath. Everyone minus me decided that they wanted to watch "Paranormal Activity" and I was clutching a pillow to my chest, violently shaking. The only good thing that came out of this was that everyone else was scared of the movie as well. Ha.

"No fucking way. That can't be real. Nope." Dan shook his head, eyes glued to the screen.

The time was 4AM and this was the second scary movie we had watched, and it was safe to say that I wanted sleep. I turned on the flashlight on my phone and made my way over to the food. Most of it was gone, due to all of our consumption. I grabbed a plate and piled on some chips, cheez-its, and some ranch dressing. I also grabbed a can of Coke we had. I made my way to a corner and sat there eating and thinking. I was specifically thinking about mine and Dan's kiss. I liked it very much, but Dan and I had only been friends for a short time, so I don't think it would be acceptable to actually like him? Meh. I don't know what to think at this point. 

I was interrupted by Dan scooting over to me. 

"Hey. You ok?" He glanced at me. 

"Yeah, I'm good. Just not a fan of scary movies. I prefer eating." I held up my drink and plate of food. In return, he just chuckled. 

"So uhm I want to ask you something." He rubbed the back of his neck. 

I gulped nervously. "Ok shoot." I held my breath in anticipation. 

"Uhm well. I was wondering if maybe-" We were interrupted by Hannah. 

"Come on you two." She waved us towards the computer. "You're missing the movie." I thought I detected a bit of annoyance but who knows. 

"Ok. Just give us a minute." I turned to Dan. "What were you trying to ask me?" 

"It's just-Nevermind, actually. Let's get back to them. I'll protect you during the scary parts." He gave me a teasing grin, which partially distracted me from what he was going to ask me. 

Was he going to ask me on a date? No. He was probably being very serious and then was going to ask me something stupid. Yeah. That was it. I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't notice Dan patting the spot next to him. 

"Come on, then. I told you I would protect you." I slid in next to him, to where our sides were touching. I felt a weird sensation run through my body because of our proximity. He grabbed one of the extra duvets and placed it over our backs, making us look like turtles. 

"SMILE!" He held up his phone and looked utterly perfect while smiling, whereas I just crossed my eyes and held up a peace sign, looking dumb. Ew. 

"I like this picture!" He showed it to me and he didn't look bad at all. I was the one who looked like a potato (as always). All I did was smile and nod my head. 

"We wanna be in the picture too!" Phil wiggled his way towards us, which made Harper want to see what all the ruckus was about. 

"Selfie time!!" Harper ran over and sat on Dan's back while Phil peered at the camera from behind the phone. We took over 20 selfies of us all looking like goofs, then we all just laid on our backs, staring at the fairy lights until sleep overcame us. 


I woke up feeling sweaty. I tried to stand up but realized that an arm was holding me hostage. I followed the arm to the body and realized that Dan was spooning me. I tried not yell out loud because I was thinking about that 2 second clip where Dan answers that he prefers big spoon over little spoon then smirks. ASDFGHJKL. 

I grabbed my phone that was laying next to me and looked at the time. It read "11:47am". I decided to get up and try to start on some breakfast, but Dan's arm kept pulling back to his chest. He was extremely warm and I couldn't help but fall back asleep a second time as I cuddled into his chest. 

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