Chapter Twenty Four

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A fireball came rushing towards Fyra at an extreme speed, and she only just managed to roll out of the way, before shifting into a swift sparrow, and speedily making her way to her attacker, where she distracted him by appearing in several places, mini creations of her appearing, making herself into a fly, so her opponent wouldn't notice her. He fired at each of them, but they just dodged. Frustrated, he created a ring of fire around him, but it didn't affect any of them; they just shimmered. Realising too late what was going on, he turned around to see Fyra stood behind him, holding a picture of him that was previously around his neck.

"Nice tactics, I can't believe that you killed me that easily!"

Despite the fact that the supposed battle was the next day, everyone on the Island was enjoying the Elemental Games; even the Gryffinhearts. Around the end of the year, there were celebrations happening everywhere, and the Isle of Wind was no exception. The year ended on the day that Phoenix was defeated, and the 5 days before it, everyone celebrated by using their abilities and playing games.

Fyra headed off, leaving the boy alone on his Island as she flew off. They were separated into categories split by age; anyone between 15 and 17, Cassidy included despite the fact that she was 14, since her birthday was the next day, and they were playing a game where the last person standing won, and the winner got celebrated by all, and got to light the bonfire the next day, along with the winners of the other sections; under 5's, 5 to 10, 10 to 15 and 18+. Anyone could compete in the over eighteens if they were over that age, but it was usually only the younger villagers who did, because they were more energetic, and if you didn't run around, you wouldn't win.

There were only about 30 people playing; all the other Dragonhearts and Gryffinhearts, Carrie and a few of the other trainers, as well as about 15 others, although there were only 13 remaining. Fyra, Ender, Lykon, Cassidy, Tyson, Elofia, Arielle, Alion, Carrie, Kitti, Luc, Sapphire and Melissa. They were all the Dragonhearts, Gryffinhearts, and the teen-trainers.

Hearing a bell, she realised that it was because she had 'killed' one of the last surviving villagers; there were 12 left to defeat, and only 5 of them weren't Dragonhearts or Gryffinhearts.

Fyra knew that Cassidy was speedily zipping through the air, attacking as quickly as she could, but she wanted to get Luc out if she could; she always talked about how annoying he was, and she was keen to beat him at something. Elofia was going for frontal attacks, since she was a good fighter, so she could easily defeat others with little training. The twins were hiding out in the skies, with Areille making sure that there were no injuries. As well as being able to sense people, she could heal others, so she was a medic, but she was also working with her brother to take out the others; she was the hunter, and he went in for the kill, with his swift speed leaving the defeated villager confused. Lykon was just relaxing in a lake made of fire, not even bothering to participate. He was safe in the flames, so he was just waiting for most of the others to be out. It would result in less people in his way, as well as less people to defeat. If he survived to the last two, he would be safe. Sapphire and Melissa, earth and water Elementals, were shielding themselves from attacks by working together to take out everyone else. They were really close, and if they survived till the end, nobody knew who would be the winner, since neither would want to betray the trust of their friend.

She wasn't sure on the other's tactics, as she had been spying as discretely as she could, using the same tactic as Carrie and turning herself invisible, although she hadn't attacked that way, as if felt too much like cheating.

She heard two more rings of the bell, and she realised it was Tyson and Ender when she saw their pictures illuminated in the sky. When someone was 'killed', their picture was thrown into the sky, to let everyone know that who was out. With only 10 remaining, Fyra decided to hunt down the weakest; Sapphire and Melissa. They were strong, but it wouldn't be difficult to kill off one of them quickly, so that the second wouldn't have anyone watching her back.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2017 ⏰

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