Chapter Nine

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Tyson had known that he was being watched, but he couldn't do anything about it. A young dragon had been following him around discretely, and although he wasn't bothered by it at first, now he was starting to get a little creeped out. Perhaps it was because she was always watching him, and she was hardly his height in dragon form, that worried him, or perhaps it was the fact that he felt like there was a voice in his ear, trying to persuade him to transform. Sometimes he had almost given in, but then didn't because he had no reason to, and he felt that it was a bad idea, and other times he knew not to, because he was surrounded by people. It wasn't just that which bothered him, though. It wasn't just the fact that she was always there, always watching his every move, no. It was the fact that if this was a real dragon, then it may be hungry, and have been watching him because she wanted to strike, although this was extremely unlikely, because the dragons all had a bond to the Isle of Wind, and they rarely left. The other possibility was that the dragon was, like him, a Dragonheart. If this was so, this dragon was either some kind of stalker, obsessed with him, or worse; knew his secret. True, if this person spread that he was a dragonheart, they would end up revealing themselves, but there were still other ways of spreading his secret. Dragonhearts used to be respected and worshipped, but then a few generations caused some issues, burning down villages and using these abilities to fight against their enemies.

Wanting to be away from people, Tyson headed towards the forest, so that he could go to his cabin. True, that seemed to be a place that the dragon liked to be, but it was also one of his favourite places to be. The obsidian dragon followed him, flying towards her favourite ledge, and she rested.

Sighing, Tyson went and sat outside his cabin, pulling out a knife and a small branch. Sighing, he enjoyed the peace away from all of the noise. Sure, he enjoyed constantly having people around, so that he could always have someone to talk to, but he also liked having a place away from everyone else, where he could enjoy his peace and tranquillity.

As he sat leaning against the broken wall when he heard the voice in his head again. Feeling too tired to resist it, he let the voice control him, as it told him to change form. He created his dust cloud and transformed, into his other form. Realising what had happened, he flew up to the cliff where the obsidian dragon was, and changed back.

"You're using charmspeak on me!" He exclaimed, angrily.

The dragon looked confused, but she still lay still, too lazy to change back.

"What's charmspeak?" She replied, lazily.

He rolled his eyes; she obviously knew! She was the air dragon, and she had the ability to use Charmspeak; an ancient language which compelled people to do as she told them. They felt a sudden urge to do something, and though they could fight it, it tired them out mentally.

"You know perfectly well what it is. Now will you please change form?"

The dragon shook her head, starting to get annoyed.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I'm guessing you know that you're a –"

"Yes, I obviously know that I'm one of the 5 dragonhearts, and I also know a lot more than you think. I spent a lot of time researching after –" he paused, realising what he was about so say, "After I first changed form, I found out all that I could, after all, I was one of the first to transform. I doubt you've been flying for more than a year. I know that you must be the Fire Dragonheart, because you've been using charmspeak on me. So don't tell me some stories because I bet that I know more than you, and if you ever try to use charmspeak on me again, well, you had better watch your back. Also, stop following me around."

Dragon Heart *Original Draft*जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें