Chapter Seventeen

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Although it was quite early, Cassidy flew off to where the Gryffinhearts were, with a basket of snacks. The day before, they had gone to see what the Gryffinhearts were up to, but instead of finding them preparing for war, they found them camping out. Cassidy had followed the boy away, using the Sparrow form which Fyra had given her, and she had chased him. He had landed at some point, and she did the same, shifting to her regular form. She couldn't shift back again, so she could only be in her regular form or dragon, and she figured that he wasn't keep on Dragons. They had chatted for a while, Fyra keeping his twin sister occupied while Elofia took a nap. It all worked out well, although Fyra obviously recognised Ender, despite the fact that they had seemingly never met.

She had liked chatting with Alion; she didn't generally talk to people her age, since she found that they were usually to focused on their own lives to want to talk about other things, but Alion had been different; he had been just as in love with the environment as she had been, and they had talked for ages, until it started to get dark. She had asked him a few questions about his Eagle form, and he told her about being a Gryffinheart, which she hadn't expected, since she would never tell anyone who she didn't know about being a dragonheart, unless they were one as well.

She had found out that they didn't really get to eat much, and Areille was a vegetarian, so she hardly got to eat, which was why Cassidy had brought them some food from the Island, which had plenty. She had also found out that the Gryffinhearts could become Eagles, Lions or Gryffins, unlike Dragonhearts, who could only become dragons. Alion and his twin sister Arielle were only a few months older than Cassidy was, which meant that they were all about the same age, while Elofia was 16, only a few months younger than her brother. She was almost 15, like most of the others; only Lykon, Tyson and Elofia weren't 15.

It didn't take Cassidy long to reach where they were camping out, and when she did, she found that the three of them were all awake, Areille looking bored as she watches the forest, hoping for an animal to come along, Elofia looking like she wanted to go somewhere for a walk and Alion seemed to be doing nothing. Shifting in mid-air, she lowered herself into a tree, soundlessly. She watched the scene on the ground below.

"Alright, I'm going out to hunt. We need to eat something, unless we starve. Areille, if you're sticking to your vegetarian thing, then I guess that you're going to have to find something for you. There's no way that I'm going out picking fruit."

Elofia shifted into her lion form, which appeared to be her preferred form, and ran off into the forest. For some reason, Cassidy felt a bit scared of Elofia, and wasn't sure if she wanted to be around Alion while she was there. Perhaps it was because she liked being a Lion, and Cassidy had always been a bit afraid of lions and tigers, or perhaps it was the way that she seemed like she would do anything to protect them, and if she felt that Cassidy was a threat, she would protect them.

"Alion?" Cassidy threw her voice to his ear, making him jump. He looked at his sister, wondering if it was Areille who said it, or whether she had heard it as well as him. She hadn't moved from where she had been a minute ago; laying on the ground, cloud watching.

"Uhh... I'll be right back," He said, getting up and walking out of the small clearing that they were resting in. Cassidy climbed out of her tree, bringing the picnic basket with her.

"Hey," She said, falling to the ground behind him.

"You know that you could have just come and said hi, instead of luring me into the forest, Cassidy."

"Yeah, but your sister's there..."

"You want to meet her? She's super sweet, but she's a bit shy."

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