Chapter Six

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The ground quakes all around the area where Tyson lives. Every creature nearby makes its way as far away as possible, fearing the shaking ground, and sprinting to safety. All animals that used to live nearby left after the earthquakes started; it was dangerous for creatures to stay in their underground burrows while the ground was shaking, as they began to cave in on themselves. It had been around two years since all the animals moved away; since the earthquakes began. The house that Tyson is in is less like a house than an old shack that is falling to pieces. Looking as though it could fall apart at any moment, wooden beams broken and leaning dangerously, more of the roof tiles on the ground around the house than the roof itself, the floor smashed up, cracked and torn u, and the walls themselves indented and damaged. The house looked like it had been attacked by a tornado, while the rest of the area looked like nothing had happened, except for the odd uprooted tree. Despite the fact that he lived in the middle of nowhere, Tyson was a very social person. He liked meeting new people, and finding out about them. As much as he likes hanging around people, sometimes he needs to be away from everyone, so that he can let out any frustration that he has, not that he gets frustrated easily.

Tyson looks around him, his sharp senses confirming that he was alone. Separating the ground that he was stood on from the rest of the ground, he rested his paws on the dirt, before stomping, causing a ripple to go through the small, floating island that he was stood on. Stomping harder, instead of a super strong quake shaking it, the whole pile of dirt fell to pieces, shattering like glass, resulting in him falling to the ground, which caused a strong enough ripple in the ground to make his house shake, but not strong enough to be noticed by any of the villagers, or people in the forest.

Tyson checked again for any signs of movement, being as still as possible, and heard scuffling in the distance, as though something was being dragged through the forest; something heavy, considering the way that it was hitting the ground. The sound also resembled a creature, but Tyson was unsure quite what. What he did know was that whatever it was, was headed towards him.

Stomping on the ground, a cloud of dust surrounded him as he transformed back to regular form, so that he could be alert for whatever came; despite the fact that he was much stronger in Dragon form, he could still use his abilities in regular form, so if something tried to attack, he still had his unnatural strength and earth shaking abilities.

Still inside his broken home, Tyson looked out of a window that had been shattered for a long time, watching for signs of movement in the forest. He didn't touch the window, due to the remnant glass shards from when the window smashed, the same day he first shook the earth, but he hadn't cleaned them up, for the same reason that he hadn't fixed the rest of the house, even though he was entirely capable.

He spots a large figure emerging from the treeline. It seems to be extremely unsure of itself, stumbling about as though it didn't know how to use its legs. The large creature was a dark blue in colour, coated in scales that reflected the sunlight in a rippling effect; alike the way that water ripples reflect sunlight. The creature has lighter blue eyes, like the sea. It's head was a strange shape; not that different from his in dragon form, but the scales were much smaller, and instead on having small, sharp horns, it's skull seemed to extend backwards further, and it did not have horns or spikes. True, this creature was some kind of dragon, but it wasn't the same type of earth dragon as him, and it wasn't a female dragon; Tyson had met a female dragon; she had watched him with fascination, her obsidian-like scaled hide not being much different to hers, but a lot darker in colour. When they met, they both seemed to have either never met another dragon, or have never seen one quite like the other. While she had small, delicate spikes on her face, she didn't have any other spikes, and her body was much smaller, and her wings were different. The dragon by the edge of the forest looked a lot more like him than he did the obsidian dragon.

Tyson, fascinated by the new dragon, walked to the door, hardly taking his eyes off of it, not that it was difficult to see through all the gaps in the walls. The dragon did look a lot like him, perhaps this dragon was also like him, able to switch forms. Considering how much it was stumbling around, he supposed that it was his first transformation, and he wasn't entirely sure what he was just yet.

Deciding to help this dragon, he stepped closer, but was very cautious. This dragon was more afraid of him that he was of it, because he wasn't particularly afraid; he could hurt the dragon more than it could hurt him, and he could see that the dragon was aware of this fact, and so tried to stay still. It was stood strangely, its legs not seeming to be sure how they should be. It seemed unaware of this, but it looked like it was a child first learning to walk; knowing what he should be doing, but not quite being able to replicate it. It had taken him a while to get used to standing, but he had learnt around two years ago.

Shaking his head, he remembered that this dragon wasn't the same as he was; he wasn't afraid, he seemed extremely calm, considering the situation. He supposed that this dragon must have met others before he transformed, he might have just gotten a glimpse, but it seemed different, like he knew exactly what to do, but couldn't figure out if he was doing it right.

Walking closer to the dragon, Tyson pointed towards its legs. "If you're having trouble balancing, try straightening out your legs, and keep them an equal distance apart; front and back should be the same, as should the left and right. When you walk, try and follow in your own footsteps. Dragons are more like felines than other creatures, and their rear feet tend to be placed where the front foot stepped," He explained, and the dragon moved its head so that it could see better, and corrected it's legs, which were too far apart in some areas and too close in other.

"You also need a stronger posture. Keep your front up straight, and if you can, keep your wings and tail off the ground; when wings are damaged, they take a long time to head, and are very painful during that time. The tail also bruises a lot more easily than you would expect, and this can cause some uncomfortable bruising on the back and around the stomach area, and the arms and legs are similar in this was; injuries that you receive in this form are carried across to the other form, and your scales are more like your clothing, but you as well." The dragon is looking at him carefully, like it is studying him. Not liking this analysis, as he was being silently judged, he took a step closer to the dragon, who in return took a step backwards.

Rolling his eyes, he looked up at the dragon.

"Can you fly? Or at least move your wings?" The dragon half nodded, as he moved them weakly, but he didn't have enough strength and power with them to actually be able to fly.

For the next few hours, the two worked through the art of flight, and how much power is needed to take off and, but the time it was dark, he was able to move his wings quite strongly, although he was still working on keeping himself above the ground, and it seemed that he had been running around for a while., and had not eaten in so long that he was running low on strength.

"I hope that you can get yourself home and are able to transform back, but if you aren't, feel free to hang around here; I probably won't be back for a few days, and people rarely come around here, so I guess that you can try and practice your flight until you can fly, but don't forget to eat something, as you are only growing weaker the longer you go without food..." Tyson realised that he had been rambling on; something that he had been doing for a lot of that day. He had just spoken what was on his mind, talking about anything and everything, and since the dragon, who had only spoken a few times in quite a raspy voice, due to the fact that he was unused to speaking, and Dragons didn't tend to communicate through actual speech when they could communicate telepathically sometimes.

"Thank you Tyson."

His voice was still raspy and very deep, which Tyson guessed that it wasn't in reality, but he accepted the thanks, and as he left, he realised that the dragon would most likely be gone, and have transformed back into a person by the time that he returned, but he didn't stay because of that. For him to learn, he needed to be alone, and there was something that Tyson needed to do, and he needed to be alone, so he didn't regret leaving as he  wondered off into the forest, not knowing that he would never return home again...

Dragon Heart *Original Draft*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant