Chapter Eleven

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The Isle of Wind was different to how it was described in the stories, but then again, so was he. He was described as being the odd one out, the one with no connection to any of the other dragonhearts; the unreliable one. But he knew that wasn't how he wanted his story to be told. True, he didn't really care about how the story was told, he didn't care about the stories at all. All that he had wanted was to help Cassidy get her parents back, even if he didn't have the same relationship. He had never liked Cassidy's father, as he felt like he was trying to replace his father, but he acted more like he liked him so that Cassidy didn't have to grow up in a broken home, although, Lykon realised, that happened anyway. Despite how hard he tried, his little sister had grown up alone, without parents to care for her. She had only had him, and he was hardly home any more. He wondered how she felt about him. Did she feel like she had been abandoned by her brother, like she was by her parents? He hoped that wasn't the case.

Feeling a hand resting on his shoulder, Lykon looked up to see Lyon; the trainer. He was the oldest Dragonheart that could still transform. When Lykon had first arrived, Lyon had told him about the dragonhearts, and how they were still around, at least, most of them. They were the regular dragons who were seen flying around, but their human forms aged too quickly, and became too weak. Lyon was around 200 years old, and after a while, Lykon realised that he was related to the old guy. Lyon was the earth dragon that his mother told stories about; the one that he was descended from. His wife was still around, but he rarely saw her, as she was much weaker in her human form. He is the strongest, being connected to the earth, and so he stays with the other Dragonhearts who can still shift; the 4 younger ones. According to Lyon, the fire dragon left a long time ago, and never returned. She was too rebellious.

"Lykon," Lyon said, snapping him out of his thoughts. "I want you to come and see something."

Lykon stood up, stretching out his legs. Considering the fact that Lyon was 200 years old, he was still in pretty good shape, and he was still quite tall. Lyon led him away from the rocky ledge where he was sat, and they walked through the small village where he had been staying, and headed back to the main training centre. Instead of going inside like Lykon expected they would, Lyon took him round the side to another cliff edge, where he walked straight off the edge. Being used to Lyon doing this after being on the Isle of Wind for almost a week, Lykon just rolled his eyes and changed form, by erupting into a column of flames. He jumped off the edge to see that Lyon had made a mudslide, which he used to transport down to another island. Practically everyone on the Isle of Wind had to have some form of Elemental power, because otherwise they were restricted in where they could go, and what they could do, since the Island responded to elemental powers, although since he wasn't yet very skilled with temporary obsidian, he just flew to travel around.

At the bottom of Lyon's elemental slide was another island. He knew that islands moved around quite a bit around here, since there was nothing holding them in place. This island looked very similar to the one where the village was located, but much smaller and with only 5 cabins. 5 cabins... for 5 dragonhearts. Looking at each cabin carefully, he started to walk towards the one that called to him the most. It looked simple, like all of the other cabins in the village, but he could sense that there was something different. The second he walked inside, he could tell what it was. While on the outside it looked like a wood cabin, on the inside, the cabin was coated with obsidian, so if he did start a fire, he wouldn't be able to burn down his cabin, although that didn't stop other people's from burning down. His bed was made of obsidian as well, although it was all coloured, and the room was much brighter and spacious than he expected.

On one of the walls, there was a large collection of photographs that took up the whole wall. They had names scribbled on them, along with years. Since photographs hadn't always been around, there were also sketches and random notes taped up as well, and Lykon realised that they were past dragonhearts. He figured that if this cabin had belonged to the last dragonheart, it had been empty for a while. Looking at the pictures, there was a lot of variation between the people in the pictures. There were people with all sorts of different coloured hair, and eyes, and a lot of people looked quite different. Thinking carefully about what he was told about the myths by his mother, he was descended from a fire dragonheart from his mother's side. His father may have had dragon in his blood, but it was quite old, and he had little power.

He looked for the most recent photos, and he saw two different people. There was Katri, a girl who looked about 14 in the photo, who had red hair and green eyes, and she was holding a young child, who looked about 5. The boy was labelled Ethan, and he wasn't a dragonheart, but he had the word 'earth' by his name. She must have been around at the same time as Lyon. There's another picture, where she looks older, and there's an older version of Ethan, another guy, who looks a similar name to her, name Elikr, and a small child in her arms, called Ryon.

The other was even more recent. She had black hair, although in a few older photos it was blonde. Her eyes were green, and she was smiling. In the later photos, she looked a bit less cheery, and more annoyed. In the most recent picture, there was a very young boy, and a man, who looked like the boy's father. The picture was labelled 'Lykon, and his parents, Elise and Tyron.' He realised that they people were his relatives; he was named after his Grandfather, and his mother was named Elise, after her grandmother. His sister was named by her father, so she was different. He recognised the name Tyron from somewhere else, but he wasn't quite sure where.

Lykon left his cabin, heading back to the training arena. When he arrived, he saw someone who looked like Katri, but she only looked about 20. When she spotted him, she walked over to him, and introduced herself.

"My name's Kitti. You're Lykon. I know all about you. I mean, after all, my Great-Grandmother was like you; a Fire Dragonheart." Lykon immediately became confused. Ryon must have been her grandfather or uncle, and he was surely around 200 years old.

"I guess you've been to the Cabin? Well, my grandmother was a lot older than you would expect in that picture with my great-uncle, Ryon, and being half dragonheart, my father and grandfather aged slower than most, so that's how I'm as young as I look. I age slower as well, but not by much. Oh, and there was quite a large age gap between my grandfather and Ryon." The way that the girl seemed to be able to read him mind, and rambled on reminded him of Cassidy. Despite the feeling of longing in his heart, he smiled.

"Anyway, now that we're acquainted, I should probably tell you that I'm going to be your tutor. So, I guess we should start simple."

She opened up her palm, and a small flame appeared, a bright blue colour. Lykon did the same, although the flame was more orange than blue.

"Keep trying, it may take a while."

He tried for a while, until he finally got it. When he did, she got a pan and filled it with water. She put out her hand, and focused on the pan, and surely enough, it started to boil, although Lykon couldn't see any flame.

"Your element may be fire, but that doesn't mean that's all that you can do. Focus on heating the pan. You could try the water, but it tends to be much more difficult, since fire and water don't mix, and water isn't your element, but by all means, try whatever you feel comfortable doing."

He tried to focus on the water, despite what she said, taking it as a challenge, but he realised that she was right, when he sent half the water up in steam. Instead, he focused on heating the pan, and it started to feel as natural to him as it was creating a flame.

"How come it feels so natural?" Lykon asked, confused.

"Well, the metals are good conductors of heat, and... yeah, sorry – I wasn't paying that much attention when I first got taught," She replied, smiling sheepishly, before moving on with his lessons.


Dragon Heart *Original Draft*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant