Chapter Nineteen

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Deciding that she was tired of training, Fyra returns to the room that she had seen first upon arrival. It looked just as old and dusty as it had before, the detailed tapestries still bright in colour despite the dust.

She looked at the pictures in more detail, and realised that they were actually changing. They shifted from one story to the next, showing what Fyra believed to be all of the stories of the dragonhearts. They became more different as time progressed, as the section between the Gryffinhearts and the dragonhearts became more and more separated. In some, the dragonhearts turned their backs, in others the Gryffinhearts did, although in most they still all fought together in the end.

Fyra realised that the cycle only lasted a couple of mines before looping back, and the last tapestry was incomplete. It showed 8 people, which had to be them because of Cassidy's pink hair and Fyra's white hair, and it also had their dragon or griffin forms. There was also an image of them arriving, with each of them practicing their talent; Cassidy's flight and wind control, Fyra's sparrow form, and all of the others.

There was some form of time difference between them, and it seemed to increase by one each time, thus it must have been going up in hundreds, since that was the difference in time between the births of the dragonhearts.

Despite what she saw on the tapestries, Fyra wasn't entirely sure what they meant. Feeling that there was more to it than just a few old tapestries, Fyra tried looking around, but to no avail. All that she found were some old scraps of paper and things that had been left behind by those who had visited the room previously. She loved the design of the building; it had quite a Greek feel to it, with its tall white columns and such.

Feeling like there was nothing else that she could learn from the tapestries, Fyra resorted to a place that she never really went, but a place that she loved nonetheless; the library.

The library was on a small island of its own, where it was partly isolated, but it had a much quieter environment. Due to the fact that it wasn't in the village itself, there were less people hanging around the library than there were at most. This didn't take away from its glory though; it only added to it. There were less people making noise and distracting from the true beauty of the building. It had a similar design to the tapestry hall, although it had a much larger scale, Fyra discovered when she went inside, and it seemed to have a book on everything that had ever happened, whether in Electrolyte or elsewhere on Earth.

Fyra walked inside, amazed by the shelves upon shelves and rows upon rows of books. She wished that she could stay there forever, reading every book in the library and learning all that there was to know, although she doubted that then was the best time to do it; she was still so young, and was only just beginning her training; she could spend years reading in the future, but she had gone to the library for a reason, and not just to marvel at all of the books that were just waiting to be read, slowly gathering dust as less and less people read them. Most of the people in the library seemed to be descendants of water or air, since they were either using their element of sir to turn pages, or were soaking in the knowledge, which seemed to be a personality trait of many of the water descendants; they were smart and always willing to learn more. She admired this trait, as it was a god way to be.

Finally making it to the front desk, Fyra quietly asked about the dragonhearts, as to not disturb the relaxed peace and quiet that the library maintained.

She opened the book, keen to find out more about the Empire of the Phoenix. She recognised the story from somewhere, but the book which she was reading was only a History book, although it was a history of an Empire which Fyra never knew existed. It had pictures, which surprised Fyra since it would have been thousands of years ago. There were lots of images of armies taking over places with ridiculous names, like the Kingdom of Bunnies. They tried to take over the villages, but when they refused to worship the great Phoenix, the forming Empire decided that if they wouldn't convert, then they should be destroyed.

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