Chapter Eight

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Feeling faint, Ender tried to keep his balance. It had strongly improved in the last day, after Tyson left. Tyson had been quite nice; he helped him out with what he was having troubles with. He had also been talking for ages; speaking his mind, not really thinking about what he was saying, he was just talking. Ender had always been a good listener, but this meant that he talked less, and he always thought about his response before he spoke. Tyson said whatever was on his mind, with little restraint, but he wasn't mean about it.

Trying to get his thoughts straight, Ender hardly realised what was happening until he fell head first into the lake. He was going to try and test out flying again, so he was stood near the edge of a crumbing old cliff by the lake. He tried to fly, but before he could even react, he hit the water, blacking out.

As soon as he came to his senses, he realised that he was underwater. Swimming to the surface as quickly as he could, he felt weightless, but not because he was in the water. His breathing was calmer, and as he tried to move his wings, he realised that he couldn't; he was only moving his shoulders, which he had again. He had somehow transformed while he was underwater.

Ender wasn't sure if it was being underwater that made him change back, or what, but he was just glad to be himself again. Swimming to the edge of the lake, he realised how much smaller he had become. The distance between the cliff and the lake was twice what it had seemed before. He suspected that the form that he was in was half the height that he was in dragon form.

Feeling much steadier standing on two feet again, he slowly walked towards the forest, so that he could go back home. As much as he had enjoyed staying at

Tyson's old home, which Ender didn't believe Tyson actually lived in, considering that it was so destroyed that it wouldn't be safe to live there, and as great as it was being in another form, walking on four legs, he much preferred being stood on two, where he could easily run, with no concerns about someone seeing him and being afraid.

When he got closer to the forest, he started to get the sensation that he was being watched. He couldn't see anyone, so at first he just thought that he was being paranoid, but then the feeling got stronger and stronger as he headed towards the edge of the forest.

Before he entered the forest, he looked around, and was half surprised to see someone sat on the cliff that he fell off. He recognised the girl for some reason; she had pinkish purple hair, and her eyes were a stormy blue. He remembered meeting her when Fyra introduced them, but he had never seen her before that day.

He started heading back to the cliff, but was focusing on the girl so much that he tripped over, and when he got up again, she had vanished. He quickly headed back to the cliff, starting to run, but when he got there, the girl was nowhere to be seen. He wondered if she had dived into the lake, but there were no ripples, and the water seemed calm still. He looks around, although it is quite half-hearted. If she had gone, he doubted he would be able to find her, and there wasn't anywhere she could have hidden nearby.

Hearing strong wind behind him, he turns around to see a dragon about his height, with obsidian coloured scales. The dragon is flying, her eyes gleaming a colour that is a blend of pinks, blues and purples. Her wings were strong silver colour, and looked more like they were designed for speed that his, because they were different to his, and her body looked more streamlined.

"Ah, so you're Ender." The dragon's voice sounded a lot more feminine than his, and it wasn't as raspy as his was in dragon form. He guessed that she had more experience than him, but he wasn't entirely sure. When she spoke, it was less like she was speaking than the wind was carrying her voice to him. As he thought about it, he realises that she didn't actually seem to be talking.

Dragon Heart *Original Draft*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang