Chapter 19

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*Andrea's p.o.v*

I woke up with Niall in my arms. Cain't help but to love that boy. I slowly get up and take a shower. After my shower I put my hair in a messy bun. I put on a tank top and shorts and head downstairs.

I walk in the kitchen to make some food. I started making some pancakes for me and Niall. I quickly made them and turned off the stove. I turned around and Harry pushed me to the wall. "Stop doing that." I said getting tired of him. "Aw do you want your little Ni.." He didn't get to finish because I kicked him were NO man should be kicked.

Harry fell to the ground in pain and I took that chance to run. I quickly go upstairs and hide under the covers. I put my face in Niall's chest and hoped Harry wouldn't come in. Maybe I should tell Niall but what if Harry's threat of killing him is real? What if he wasn't bluffing?


I wake up by Niall poking me in the cheek. "What do you want?" I said groaning. "I just missed your pretty eyes." He said. I snapped my eyes open to find him slightly blushing. "There happy now?" I asked raising my eyebrow. "Yea." He said and kissed me. "Oh I made you pancakes but I kinda fell asleep so they may be cold or gone." I said laughing.

"Okay well lets go." Niall took my hand and almost dragged me downstairs. Harry was in the kitchen eating the pancakes I made. "Aw he ate my food." Niall wined. "It's okay I'll make you some special ones." I winked ignoring Harry's stares. "What makes them special?" He asked coming closer to me. "It's made with love." I laughed. Niall nodded and started kissing me.

We forgot about Harry eating. He put his arms around my waist and pulled me closer were our chest were touching. His tongue licked my bottom lip asking to enter. I let it enter and our tongues battled for domination. He finally won after a few minutes. Someone couched and we pulled back. "Vas happenin?" Zayn asked walking in.

Me and Niall looked at each other and busted out laughing. Harry saw us making out and Zayn about did to. "What's there problem?" Louis asked walking in. Zayn shrugged and they fixed them some food. "Why is Harry eating cold pancakes?" Liam asked walking in. "Because I wanted some." Harry shrugged and ate.

I started to made Niall some pancakes. He was complaining over how long I was taking. It didn't help that he eats alot. I got done and gave him his pancakes. "Aren't you going to eat breakfast Andrea?" Liam asked. "Um no I ate earlier." I shrugged. I heard Harry snicker. He knew I haven't ate but oh well. I went upstairs and paced the room. Should I tell Niall about Harry?

I don't want Niall to be hurt but I cain't take Harry anymore. Maybe he will stop after I kicked him. I made up my mind and head back to Niall. When I walked in he was facing the other way. I walked behind him and put my hands in front of his eyes. "Guess who." I said.

"Hmm superwoman." Niall laughed. I uncovered his eyes. "You aren't superwoman." Niall fake pouted. "Oh next thing you will be saying is Louis isn't superman." "Louis isn't." Niall simply said shrugging. "Louis!!" I yelled. "What?" He said running in. "He just said you weren't superman and I wasn't superwoman." When I said that he gasped dramatically

He ran upstairs and came back down in his costume. I went upstairs and also changed. "Did you sir say we weren't superhero?" Louis asked in his pose. "Yep." Niall said popping the 'p' sound. Louis screamed and jumped on Niall's back. Niall stumbled a little and regained his balance. So, I ran and jumped on Louis' back that was on Niall's back. This time Niall fell with an umph.

"Oh it's on." Niall laughed. We quickly got up and ran to Louis' room. We slammed the door shut and locked it. "Guys come out of there I have a surprise for you." Niall said banging on the door. "Never!" We both yelled in unison. "Hey do you want to borrow some of my clothes?" Louis asked. "Sure if you don't mind." I said. He nodded and went through his clothes.

"Here. Bathroom is that door." Louis pointed to a door. I walk in and locked the door behind me. I changed into Louis' clothes and looked at myself in the mirror. I was wearing brown pants and a white t-shirt. I put my hair in a messy bun and exit the bathroom. When I looked up Louis was shirtless.

Man that dude was fit. I realized I must be staring to long and look away. "Finally done staring ay?" Louis said laughing. "Oh u-um I w-was sorry." I said blushing. "It's alright babe." Louis said shaking his head. He put on a shirt and I frowned. "Aw don't be sad." He said looking down at me.

"I'm not." I shrugged lying. Who wouldn't want to see Louis' abbs. "I can make up for it." He says winking. Before I knew what was happening his lips were on mine. I start to kiss back. Then I remembered a VERY important detail, I have a boyfriend. I pulled back.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have kissed you."

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