Chapter 17

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*Andrea's p.o.v*

"I remember everything." I said looking at Niall. "That's great." He said hugging me. "I'm so sorry for cheating on you babe." I said crying. "Shh it's okay you thought you were dating Harry." He said wiping my tears. "But I should have known." I said about to cry again. "No sweetie it's okay Harry told you you guys were dating." I figured I wouldn't win so I nodded.

"Alright lets go back to Harry's room." Niall said taking my hand. We walked to his room and a nurse was in there. "Alright Harry can leave in three days so we can make sure he's fine." The nurse said leaving. Me and Niall sat down holding hands still. "So Andrea did you got your memory back?" Louis said wiggling his eyebrows. "Yes she did and stop doing that." Niall laughed. Louis just shrugged.

"So are you guys back together?" Zayn asked completely ignoring Harry in the bed. "Yes we are." I said looking at Niall and smiling. "That's great!" Liam about shouted. "Okay well we should go she hasn't ate in a while and I'm starving." Niall said taking me to his car.

<~~AT HOUSE~~>

At the house Niall helped move my stuff back to my room. We ate and decided to watch movies. We watched 'Grease.' "I made popcorn for the movie." Niall said handing me a bucket of popcorn. We cuddled and watched it.


It's the day Harry is released from the hospital. We clean his room and head to the hospital. At the hospital we met up with the boys. "Harry's about to be released." Louis said smiling. "That's great we have his room all ready." I said. "I brought Nandos'!" Liam yelled walking in and Niall attacked him. We all started to laugh. "Sorry mate I love Nandos." Niall said picking up Liam off the ground.

"It's all good lad now lets eat" Liam said putting down the food. We all ate and headed to Harry's room. "Harry are you excited to be released?" Zayn asked. "Yea I guess." Harry said shrugging. "We brought you Nandos, but Niall ate it." Liam laughed. "It's all good lad." Harry said fake smiling. "Okay Harry you are free to go home." The nurse said smiling.

<~~AT HOME~~>

Finally Harry is home. Me and Niall do the same things we did before. We watch movies, cuddle, laugh, and have tickle fights. I am very ticklish but he's ticklish under the arms. We are currently cuddling with each other. Harry goes to his room and comes back with his stuff. "I'm leaving for a little while to clear my head." Harry said. "Do you want to wait until it's not raining?" I asked. "Like you people care anyways."

And with that he left. "I'll go make sure he has his keys." I said getting up. I went out side with it poring down rain. Great a day I wear white. I look around to find Harry walking. "Harry!" I yell running to him. "What." He whispered looking at the ground. "Why are you leaving?" I asked. "To clear my head remember." He said in a duh voice.

"Well then what are you clearing your head from?" "You and Niall." Harry said shyly. "Why are you clearing your head from us?" "Don't you see that I love you." He about yelled. "I'm sorry I'm with Niall ,but just don't leave your friends need you." I said almost whispering. "They won't even notice I'm gone." He says. "Then why did they stay with you at the hospital?" I asked him.

"I guess you wright." "I am and don't leave just because of me and Niall." I said grabbing his hand and taking him back to the house. I let go of his hand and walk inside. "I got Harry back now I'm going to change." I yell at the boys in the kitchen. I go upstairs and change my shirt. I brush my hair and put it up in a bun. Then I head back downstairs to hang out with Niall.

"So how did you get Harry to stay?" Niall asked. "I brought up how much you guys would miss him." I smirked at him. "None of the guys would have got him back." Niall said shaking his head. "I guess you people didn't know how to pull the right strings." I laughed. He also laughed along. I kissed his cheek and pulled him up. I took him to my room and we cuddled and soon fell asleep.

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