Chapter 3

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***Andrea's pov***

Zayn just pulled my up stairs I had no idea what he was doing. He handed me a necklace and it was an infinity necklace it had love in the infinity sign. "Zayn you know I have a boyfriend right?"I had no idea if he remembered, but I still remember. He just smiled and nodded then helped me put it on. I don't know why he is being so nice to me, but it didn't bother me. He lent in our lips were so close to touching each other I saw his pretty hazel eyes. I could feel his breath as he lent in and kissed me on the forehead. I was kinda happy for now that he just kissed me on the forehead I thought at first he was going to kiss me on the lips.

***Zayn's pov***

I pulled Andrea up to my room to give her a gift. It was an infinity necklace that had love in it. It was a silver necklace and I found it cute for her. I helped her put on the necklace. After I was close to her like face to face close. I wonted to kiss her so badly. I settled for a kiss on the forehead for now. If she didn't have a boyfriend I would have kissed her. I guess I will wait.

***Andrea's pov***

He just kissed me on the forehead. I just stood there looking at him. He had a smirk on his face. He told me not to tell the other guys about who gave me the necklace so I agreed to him. He pulled me back to were I was before he pulled me to his room. I just kinda sat there sense I had no idea what to do. Then Liam came walking in. "Hey Andrea what are you doing in here still?" I just looked at him and said "Well I didn't know what to do after I was done so I just sat here."

He smiled and put his hand out for me to take it so I did. He took me to the living room and made me sit right next to. I put my head on his shoulder as he got Louis to put in -Toy Story-.

I am not a big fan of Toy Story but I didn't wont to say any thing. It was in the middle of the movie when I noticed I was on Liam's lap now. I just stayed there as I slowly fell asleep.

***Liam pov***

I noticed that Andrea was just sitting in the kitchen all alone. So, I walked in there and asked why was she still in there. I put out my hand for her to take it and she did. She had her head on my shoulder when the movie started and after a while her head went to my lap. I didn't wont to say anything cause I didn't mind. Towards the end of the movie she fell asleep. I could hear her soft snores. It was cute that she fell asleep on my lap, but I think Zayn was jelouse. He was kinda staring at us more than he was the movie. I didn't mind though.

***Zayn's pov***

I just got down stared after giving Andrea her necklace. I saw that she was in the living room. She was laying on Liam!! I couldn't help but feel jelouse. In the middle she ended up on his lap and then she fell asleep. I felt my heart break a little bit. Now he will most likely take her to his bed. I hope he doesn't do anything stupid I will kill him if he hurts her. Now I cain't focus on the movie.

***Liam's pov***

I'm taking her upstairs to my room sense she fell asleep on me she should wake up on me. I tucked her in the bed and I got in the other side. She moved towards me and we started to cuddle. I cain't help but to feel good about my self. Then I remembered she had a boyfriend. Maybe she will fall in love with me and she will break up with him. What was his name again Edwin? I don't know but I don't like this guy that's for sure.

What is she even doing with a guy like him I don't know him but I already know he isn't her type. I am her type thank you very much. It's about 1 in the morning and I start to fall asleep. She is still cuddling with me and man she smells good.

***Andrea's dream***

I'm at home cuddling with Edward. We are laughing at a joke he said. We are 'watching' a movie, eating popcorn, and laughing. I have the biggest smile on my face with him around. He has the biggest smile on his face right now also. My heart feels complete like nothing is missing. I kiss him and tell him I loved him and he tells me he loves me to. This is the best time in my life and then I wake up.

*Andrea's pov*

I wake up crying my eyes out. I am so busy crying I don't notice Liam there asleep. I am so depressed with out my boyfriend. Liam wakes up and says "What's wrong?" I just now notice he is here I say nothing but I am a bad liar. He asks if I had a night mare. I'm like no it was a good dream.

He looks confused and says "then why are you crying?" I say "because I wish it was true". He looks sad for me and just holds me. He smells really good. He starts to sing and notices his voice soothes me and keeps singing. After a while I fall asleep with him singing 'More Than This".

Losing Hope (One direction fanfiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ