Chapter 9

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**Next day**

I woke up and still in Niall's arms. This time he is up. "Morning Andrea." "Good morning Niall." "What do you want to do today?" "I don't care." He gives me some of his clothes, I put my clothes in dryer, and took a shower. I put on his clothes and they always seem to get tighter and tighter. I put them on and went to the living room. I sat by him and ate some ice cream. then we started watching another scary movie. It was called 'The Devil Inside'. During the movie I keep screaming. I really dislike scary movies. Niall is claiming me down and trying not to laugh. That boy has like no fear. He's playing with my hair trying to calm me, but I keep jumping. "Niall can I sleep with you scary movies gives me bad dreams." He smiled and said yes. I just lay on his lap since I am lazy and doesn't wont to walk. "Are you going to get up so we can go to sleep?" "No I'm to lazy to walk." "Okay then wont me to carry you?" He asked and I nodded.He picked me up as I rap around him. He lays me on his bed as I slowly fall asleep.

***Niall's pov***

I pick out the movie for us to watch. I know she hates scary movies and gets bad dreams from them. So I had to pick it so she would sleep in my bed tonight. At the end of the movie she just lays there. "Are you going to get up so we can go to sleep?" I ask her. "No I'm to lazy to walk." "Okay then wont me to carry you?" I asked and she nodded.I picked her up as she raps around me. I lay her down as she quickly falls asleep. I lay beside her and she puts her head on my chest. I guess by now it's a habit for her. I kiss her and I go to sleep.

**2 Days till Zayn comes back**

**Andrea's pov**

I wake up to find Niall already awake. "Good morning babe." "Good morning." I was to sleepy to really care he called me babe. I did my normal rout since Zayn has been gone. I got my clothes and took a shower. After my shower I put on my clean clothes and sit by Niall. We always do the same thing. Sometimes we will do something different but it is usually a movie. "So are you ready to see Zayn in two days?" "Urm I guess." "You guess?" "Ya," I said ,"I will miss hanging out with you!" He smiled and hugged me. We watched the movie it was a 2hr long movie. It was an awesome movie. After the movie we joke around about our kiss and how stupid it was. "That was so stupid since your with Zayn." Niall said I just laughed and nodded. We were laughing so hard we fell on the ground. He landed on me softly and I looked up at him. We finally stopped laughing and then we started to kiss. I was on the floor and he was on me.

It was sudden and I cain't believe I didn't pull back. Then I heard the door open and it was Zayn. He ran up stairs into his room. I tried to open the door but it was locked. I tried to talk to him but he wouldn't answer. I felt bad I don't like Niall like that....or do I? "Zayn open the door." I said crying. After a few minutes I started to talk again,"Zayn I need to explain please Zayn open up."

Niall came upstairs and tried to calm me. I just cried in his arms. I don't wont Zayn hurt or mad at me. I just stood infront of Zayn's door crying in Niall's arms. I didn't wont to leave my spot Zayn had to come out eventually. I stood there for hours until I blacked out.

***Zayn's pov***

I missed my girlfriend Andrea. I decided to leave a few days earlier to surprise her. I told the boys and they decided to stay a few more days. I wonted Andrea in my arms. I got on the plane and headed back home. When I got home before I opened the door I heard laughing. After a few minutes I heard noting so I opened the door. I saw Niall and Andrea kissing on the floor. I was upset and ran to my room. I locked it behind me and sat on my bed. I hear the door bob wiggle till they saw it was locked. I heard Andrea say, "Zayn open the door." I just laid on my bed. She started to talk again,"Zayn I need to explain please Zayn open up." I heard her crying. Was it bad I kinda wonted her to feel bad? She was just making out with my best friend. I went to sleep so I couldn't hear her.

***Niall's pov***

We started to laugh about us kissing and we fell on the ground. I was on her and she looked beautiful I couldn't help myself. I started to kiss her and she kissed me back. I hear a door open and it was Zayn. Curse him for ruining my moment. Andrea ran upstairs after him and I just sat there. I finally went up there to find her crying. I held her in my arms as she cried. Is it possible she likes both of us? She just stood there crying until she finally fell asleep. I took her to my room and yes she did start cuddling. I guess it's an instinct for her to do that now. It didn't bother me though. I just laid there until I fell asleep.

****Next day Andrea's pov****

I woke up in Niall's arms he was already awake. He was staring at me with a smile. "Good morning sunshine." He said, but I wasn't in the mood. I just looked at him and put my head back on his chest. I did not wont to get up what if Zayn hated me now? He didn't move and let me lay on him. I start to fall asleep as I think I hear Niall say I love you.

I woke and this time Niall was gone this time. I didn't wont to get up. After a few seconds I get up and go to my room. I was just going to lay here all day. No one would notice anyways. I lay there until the door opens. It was Niall and he had food in his hand. It was the pancakes and bacon I loved so much. "Do you wont anything to eat like this?" He said smirking showing me the food. "No I'm not hungry." I said lying. He lost his smirk and left. He looked sad like he wonted me to eat. It was sweet, but I love Zayn. He is..or was my boyfriend.

I just laid in bed feeling bad for myself. I wonted Zayn to forgive, but now he will not talk to me. I laid there crying and listening to my stomach growl. My door opened again and this time it was Zayn. "Do you wont anything to eat?" He asked me looking disappointed. "No I'm fine." I say hiding under the covers. He walks beside my bed and lays down. "You know I forgive you right?" He asked and I suddenly felt happy. "Really you do?" I asked him back. "Yes I really do. Also now are you hungrey?" He was using my soft spots to get me to eat I don't care. I nod a yes and he smiled in victory and left to get my food.

He came back with the food Niall had earlier and I ate it. He left and closed my door. I felt bad I didn't know who I liked more. I stayed in my room until the door opened again. "Andrea do you need a cuddle buddy?" "I guess." I said staring at Niall. He laid in my bed and put his arms around me. I had my head on his chest listening to his heart beat. I calmed me and I fell asleep in his arms.

Losing Hope (One direction fanfiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant