Chapter 11

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**Andrea's pov**

We get to the house and he pulls in. "Andrea can I ask you something?" Niall asked all quietly. "Yea sure." "Umm would you like to um be my girlfriend?" He asked almost whispering. "Yea but what are we going to do about Zayn? "I asked not wanting to hurt him more. "We can always secretly date so he doesn't beat me up or something." He said and I agreed to it. We walk in holding my bags. They all turned to look at us with widen eyes. Does my curly red streaks look bad?

**Zayn's thought**

The door opened and it was Andrea with it dyed and curled. Man she looks fine. I cain't wait to go to the club maybe I'll make my move on her there.

**Harry's thought**

Her hair was streaked red and curled. I'm guessing it's for the club tonight. The curled red streaked hair turns me on.

**Liam's thought**

Wow her hair looks good. It brought out her eyes. She almost looked hot. She's not my type though, so I say ALMOST.

**Louis's thought**

I love her hair. I cain't wait for the club. I may hook up with a girl there. I'm excited to be back.

**Niall's thought*

Man I'm starving. When was the last time I ate? Oh ya we ate at the mall less than thirty minutes ago. I'm still starving!!

**Andrea's pov**

I decide to break the silence. "So when are we going to go to the club?" Harry decides to talk,"We are leaving at 7:30." I look at the time to see it's six. "Okay well I'm going to get ready." I go to my room carrying my bags. I take a shower and put on a strapless bra.

I put a towel around me I go through my bags to find my dress. I find my dress and slip it on. I decide to do my makeup. After I'm done and satisfied with it I look at the time. It's 7:20 so I have ten minutes. I put on my heels and walk downstairs. I find the boys sitting there ready. I walk in and sit by Niall. Their eyes are widen. "You look hot." Harry says and I blush a little bit.

We walk to the car and head to Karma. When we get there fans are yelling the boy's names. We all walk straight in the club and see all the people dancing. Niall's took my hand and took me to the bar. He orders us a drink and I chugged it. We decide to see who could chug faster so we order a lot of shots. About my tenth one I was completely drunk. At Niall's twelfth he was drunk. "Let's dance." Niall mumbles. We dance to a fast song and I twirk. At the end of the song he takes me to sit down. We talk about stuff and we start to make out.

While making out someone fake coughs. We look up to find no other than Edwin standing there. "SO THIS IS WHO YOU LEAVE ME FOR!! SOME PRETTY BOY!!." He yells does he remember he broke up with me? "You broke up with me remember?" I tell him with an attitude. "WHY HAVEN'T YOU AT LEAST ANSWERED MY CALLS." He keeps yelling. "I don't have a phone anymore." Not wanting to mention why. Before I know it he starts to punch Niall. "NIALL!! EDWIN GET OFF HIM YOU DOUCHE STOP PUNCHING HIM!!" I yell at Edwin freaking out. He keeps punch Niall. I keep yelling at him and finally the people come to help. They throw all of us out.

"Let's go home babe." Niall says taking my hand. "Are you okay?" I ask seeing a lot of blood. "I'm fine lets go." We hold hands and walk home.

**Zayn's pov**

I am about to go ask Andrea out when I see her and Niall making out. I feel bad I guess I'm to late. I then see some guy with awesome hair. It almost looked like mine. He walked up to them and looked mad. I can tell he's yelling but all I can make out is "You left me for him!" I'm guess it's her x-boyfriend Edwin. I thought he broke up with her. I then see him hitting Niall. Niall falls towards the ground as Edwin kicks him. I feel bad for Niall but I loved her before him so I just walk off. Kama is a bitch isn't it Niall.

**Andrea's pov**

We got home and I made him lay down. "Take off you shirt." I told him and he smirked. "Not like that I want to make sure your stomach is fine." He takes off his shirt and you can see all the kicks he had gotten. I got a rag and cleaned it. For a guy who eats a lot he sure is skinny. "Ow." Niall kept complaining. "Done." After a while of his squirming I finally cleaned his bloody stomach. I went downstairs and got some ice. "Here put this on you eye." I told Niall throwing him the ice. He put it on his eye and I laid beside him. "I'm sorry Edwin beat you like that. "I said feeling guilty. "It's fine babe you didn't know he'd be there." I kiss him and he kisses back. We start to make out forgetting that he's in pain. "Okay okay now it hurts." Niall says with a baby voice. "Okay sorry." He puts him arm around me and we cuddle. I put my head on his chest. I soon fell asleep listing to his heart beat.

**Zayn's pov**

After I left Niall getting beat up I went to the bar. I drunk my feeling out. I don't know why she chose him. Maybe if I would not have left she would be with me. I guess it's my fault for leaving to the U.K for a little bit. I keep drinking until a girl comes up to me. "Hey what's your name." She says sitting down she looks almost like Andrea. "I'm Zayn what's yours." I said winking at her. "I'm Amber." She tells me blushing. "What a pretty name for a pretty girl," I said kissing her hand "want some shorts?" "Sure." She says with a smile. We both get really drunk. "Want to come to my place." I ask her. She still looks like Andrea. She nods and I take her hand.

At the house I take her upstairs and Niall's room door was opened. I looked in to find Andrea and Niall asleep cuddling. I could feel my anger rise and started to almost drag Andrea.. wait it's um.. Amber. "Slow down Zayn." She says interrupting my thoughts. I dragged her to my room and threw her on my bed. We had a long night.

**Andrea's pov**

I woke up and had a headache. "Ow my head hurts." I tell the person beside me. Wait a person I look and luckily it's Niall. I had no idea what happened but Niall looked bad. "What happened to you?" I ask him as he looks down and sees himself shirtless and with bruises. "I don't know." I guess we both drunk to much. I grab some random clothes and take a shower. That didn't help my sleepiness. With out looking I put on my clothes I got and walked downstairs. Harry was the only one down there. His eyes got widen when I walked in. I lay on the couch. "Andrea do you see what your wearing?" Harry asked me. "No why?" I look down and found myself in just undergarments and short shorts. "Oh my give me your shirt Harry." I tell him. "No it's my favorite shirt." "GIVE ME YOUR DANG SHIRT HARRY." I yell and he takes off his shirt and hands it to me. I put it on and found Zayn and some girl standing there. "Why is Harry shirtless?" He asks as if he didn't see me putting on his shirt. "I was sleepy took a shower put on clothes went down here and saw I didn't have a shirt so I made him give me his shirt." I tell him as his eyes widen. He nods and I look at the girl. She looks almost like me. She doesn't look like she feels well she is acting weird. I don't give it much thought. "So what happened yesterday I woke up and found Niall beaten?" Harry looked shocked. "Omg is he okay?" Harry asked running upstairs to most likely Niall's room.

"Oh Andrea this is Amber." Zayn says. "Nice to meet you Amber." I say with a smile. "You to." She says with her voice weak. I go upstairs and lay in my bed. I still have a headache. I feel someone lay beside me and pull me close. My head hurts to much so I took a nap without caring who it was.

Losing Hope (One direction fanfiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant