Bones Exposed

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Chapter Five: Bones Exposed


After leading Rose and Kellin to their first class I make my way outside and walk towards the back of the school where I liked to go to think when something was on my mind. I was psychic and could read people, including their thoughts. I could vaguely read Rose, but her mind was still pretty cloudy and all over the place from being drugged for ten years straight. But Kellin was a whole other problem, I couldn't read him at all which wasn't normal as I'd never come across a person I couldn't get inside their head. What was so different about Kellin? Everything about him screamed human, but there had to be something blocking me that was the only logical solution I could come up with right now. I'd be keeping an eye on him, it couldn't be a coincidence that he joins the school the same time Rose does.

"Vic, did you see her?"

Austin all but tackles me to the floor as he throws his arm around my shoulder causing me to flinch from the pain shooting through my shoulder.

"You need to be gentler with me Austin as not everyone is a werewolf."

Austin grunts before leaning on the wall opposite me. He'd been my friend since childhood, and we'd remained friends even after he became a werewolf and alpha to his pack.

"What's got up your psychic arse this morning Vic?"

I chew my lip debating whether or not to share my thoughts about the new kid Kellin. Austin knew I was gay and would chalk it up to me having a crush on Kellin which led to me being unable to read him. I didn't even know if Kellin was gay, but there was a more pressing matter at hand.

"The drugs the hunters pumped into Rose are making her memories come back slowly and hazily. She remembered making sandcastles and you knocking it down when she said she liked cats over dogs. But I can't be too sure how much she remembers about you Austin and I'm sorry for that."

Austin grunts louder, "why take her memories of me away Vic?" before he clenches his fist and punches the wall next to my head. He wasn't aiming to hurt me; he was worked up and had every right to be.

I shrug my shoulders removing my snapback and running my fingers through my hair before putting the hat back in place.

"The hunters who took Rose might not even have been after her that day in the park. Hunters have a mantra they live by which means they leave humans out of their plans. They could have known about you and your bloodline, they probably asked Rose questions about you that triggered them into taking her instead of you."

Austin blankly stares at me, though I can see the wheels turning in his mind. Here I was stating ten years down the line that he might have been the target in the park but they took Rose instead because she meant something to him.

"Austin I'm going to go inside the memory of the day Rose was taken to see if you said anything to her that would have made the hunters take her instead of you."

All Austin does is nod. I crack my knuckles together before reaching out to hold my friend's hand, to any onlooker it probably looked like we were holding hands like a couple. Austin closes his eyes having been through this process with me before.



"You see that mark on your hand Rosie, I have the same one. That means that when we're older we're going to be together, well that's what I overheard my parents whispering last night."

Austin holds Rose's arm and strokes his fingers across the birthmark the two of them shared. Rose stares at Austin blankly.

"Boys have cooties, Austin."

Ghosts | Oliver Sykes/Austin Carlile/Vic Fuentes/Kellin Quinn/All Time LowWhere stories live. Discover now