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Chapter Twenty: Pain


I gasp struggling to breathe, and bolt upright clutching my hand to my chest. That was the strangest dream I'd ever had. I dreamt I woke up in a coffin and clawed my way back to the surface only to encounter Oli who helped me, there was an unnatural hunger searing down my throat and next thing I know I'm sinking fangs into someone's neck drinking their blood until the last drop leaves their body. Only vampires fed from people in that manner, but I wasn't vampire because I was human or werewolf since Austin did bite me.

Still holding my hand to my chest I'm shocked when I don't feel my heart pounding. What had happened in the cemetery after Jack shot me? Was I dead? I couldn't be dead because I was in a warm bed at Vic's house. Glancing around the room I take note of Oli sitting on the end of the bed playing on his phone, at least the Oli helping me part of the dream was true.

"It wasn't a dream Rose it was real."

I didn't say anything out loud so how did he hear me? I watch Oli put his phone away and stand up his sigh loud. He walks around the side of the bed and crouches down in front of me making me turn in the bed. There were sadness and happiness mixed together on his face.

"You will learn how to shield your mind Rose, but vampires can hear one another's thoughts. It's kind of how we communicate with each other."

I gulp, "so I'm a vampire?"

Oli shakes his head, "you're a hybrid love, half vampire and half werewolf. When Jack shot you I fed you my blood not knowing that Austin had bitten you already."

He reaches out and takes my hand in his entwining our fingers, a wave of warmth washing over my body. I felt safe around him; he wasn't going to lie to me. I continue to stare at him still trying to get my head around the fact I wasn't human but now a supernatural.

"I clawed my way out of my own coffin. You helped me when I needed someone the most Oli. Where's Austin?"

Oli bows his head. Had something happened to Austin?

"Austin skipped town Rose after he found out you were dead. He didn't even come to your funeral. I'm so sorry."

Tears fall down my cheeks. Austin was my first real friend and he'd just left town. Oli looks up, and with his free hand wipes away my tears with the back of his hand.

"What's going to happen to me Oli? I can't do this on my own."

I start to shake. Oli releases my hand and with a flash of inhuman speed pulls me into his arms, allowing me to crawl onto his lap so he can comfort me. I nuzzle my face into the crook of his neck as he runs his fingers through my hair.

"You're never going to be alone Rose, you have so many people who are going to help you. I'm going to teach you how to survive this next chapter in your life and the whole coven will support one of their own. Alex, Vic, and Kellin are all downstairs waiting for you to wake up."

I pull back when he mentions Alex's name. Was Alex still here? I needed to see him.

"Oli can I see Alex please?"

Oli nods and places a kiss on my forehead before getting off the bed to go and get Alex for me. Even though Alex was a hunter who kidnapped me at a young age, he was my main father figure and I needed to see him to feel safe again as odd as that sounded.

A couple minutes pass before the bedroom door opens and Alex steps inside closing the door behind him. I throw the bed sheets to the side and jump off the bed, before throwing myself at him wrapping my arms around his waist nearly knocking him to the floor with my newfound strength.

Ghosts | Oliver Sykes/Austin Carlile/Vic Fuentes/Kellin Quinn/All Time LowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora