Can You Feel My Heart

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Chapter Nine: Can You Feel My Heart


I was skipping through TV channels bored out of my mind when I get a phone call off Vic. We hadn't really spoken since I revealed my birthmark and belief in the supernatural world, and he told me the supernatural world existed and that he was a psychic, Austin is a werewolf and Oli's a vampire. I hadn't spoken to Austin or Oli either, not quite sure what I'd say to them. I had to choose one of them to be my mate, either be bitten and become a werewolf or bitten and turned into a vampire. It was a difficult decision and one I couldn't make lightly.

Turning the TV to mute I roll over on the bed and pick up my phone accepting Vic's call. He was my go-between, between the normal world and the supernatural world and maybe he had some good news for me.

"Hello, Vic."

"Hello, Rose. I have something I want to ask you about Austin and Oliver."

Okay, now I was intrigued.

"What do you need to ask me, Vic?"

He sighs, "Austin and Oliver want you to meet them in their true forms. It had to happen sooner or later, Rose. Would you be up for it?"

To say I was shocked would have been an understatement. Reading and researching the two supernatural creatures was a lot easier than meeting them in real life. they were my mates, I'd have to see their other sides one day as it might make choosing one of them easier down the line.

"Yeah I'm up for it Vic. Name a time and place."

"Great so how about half an hour at this warehouse just outside of town? The more isolated the better."

I nod even though I know Vic can't see me through the phone. This was me taking a leap of faith.

"Send me the address and I'll set off now."

"You're doing the right thing, Rose. See you in a bit."

Vic hangs up leaving me alone to prepare myself for what I was possibly going to come face to face with.

~30 Minutes Later~

I pull up outside a rundown warehouse and see Vic already here, leaning against the hood of his car of his phone. No doubt messaging his soon to be boyfriend Kellin. Getting out of the car I slam the door to grab Vic's attention. He puts his phone away and motions for me to come over.

"Rose, for a minute I didn't think you were going to come."

"I thought about it, Vic."

We hug and I feel at ease with Vic by my side. He offers me his arm and I accept it, letting him lead me into the warehouse.

"Austin's going to come in first and then Oli. They both understand you might be shocked, so understand if you freak out. No one will judge you if you freak out Rose, it's not every day you get to meet a werewolf and a vampire."

"Thanks for the pep talk Fuentes. I kind of want to get this over and done with quite fast if that's okay."

Vic nods and lets go of my arm before stepping away from me. he still stays within my line of sight and motions for me to turn around. This moment was like in the scary movies where the girl turns around and sees nothing, gets her hopes up, and when she turns back around the killers stood in front of her. Taking a deep breath I turn around slowly, my breath catching in my throat.

Behind me walks in a brown wolf, he was slightly bigger than your average wolf and smaller than how werewolves were represented on TV and in films.

Ghosts | Oliver Sykes/Austin Carlile/Vic Fuentes/Kellin Quinn/All Time LowWhere stories live. Discover now