I Slept With Justin Bieber [33]

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I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! 200+ votes and comments for an update. Leave some comments too, I love the feedback! Y'all need to realize something important so read the end note because I have something to say

| Recap |

"Come on Ariana, it'll be like old times," Justin flashed a wide smile.

But, then I'll be his rebound, Ariana thought.

"I'll have to pass. I think it's best if we remain our distance for now. Unless it has to do with Jamie," Ariana gave him a small smile.

"I guess I'll see you later," He breathed out and walked out of the living room. Soon Ariana heard the front door close.

"I'm so confused," She groaned.

J | 1 ½ years old |

| Justin |

I don't understand what's been going on lately. Xenia broke up with me about a week ago because she believes I still love Ariana. I don't love her, at least, I don't think I do. How can I love a cheater? She cheated on me with Dane, she lied to me about Lance, how do I know she didn't lie to me about something else? I moved on, I was happy with Xenia. I was finally getting over Ariana, I was finally was becoming happy again.

Not only did I feel bad for being cheated on by Ariana, but it made me realize what I did to Selena. I hurt her and I feel horrible about it. I feel guilty, I now know how Selena felt when I cheated on her. I feel like the world's biggest scumbag which is why I contacted Selena.

I felt bad and I needed to apologize. I needed to tell her I was sorry for hurting her so I did. Which caused, even more problems. My fans went ballistic, they wouldn't stop tweeting about it, 'Jelena' started trending. They started accusing Selena of using me but I'm the one who contacted her not the other way around. It was a mess.

"Justin," I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked behind me. "You okay?" Scooter asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I nodded my head. "Just thinking."

"If you want to take a break, we can," He offered. We've been at his office for about an hour discussing my upcoming tour. After this meeting, I'm going straight home to the home studio to work on some music. Even though I released music already and my album is out, it doesn't matter because I'm always making music.

"No. I'm fine," I shook my head. "Let's continue," I rubbed my chin and sighed.

| Ariana |

"Hey Ariana, are you ready for the interview?" One of the workers of the photoshoot I had today. I looked behind me as my hairstylist, Dalina smoothed out my hair.

"Of course. We actually just finished," I smiled. I walked out of the dressing room with a robe around me. I walked behind the worker as they escorted me to a table near the set.

"Hi. I'm Lauren and I'll be interviewing you today," Lauren smiled.

"Hi, I'm Ariana," I greeted. "It's nice to meet you."

"Likewise, let's sit," She said. We both sat down and then she began with the interview. "How are you, Ariana? And can I just say, you're gorgeous," He complimented.

"Thank you," I smiled. "And, I'm good. Just getting by," I nodded.

"How's your little son, Jamie?" She asked me.

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