I Slept With Justin Bieber [27]

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I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! Don't forget the minimum of votes for next update is 90! Leave some comments too, I love the feedback! PS It's time for a time skip...

| Recap |

"I guess it's just going to be me and you buddy," Justin sighed. "That's fine by me because you're my favorite person in the world."

J | 1 ½ years old |

| Ariana |

"Jamie, stop screaming honey," I looked in the rearview mirror of my car to look at Jamie who was screaming. It wasn't sad or upset screaming, though, it was more like happy screaming. I looked back at the road. I was currently on my way to the airport to pick my brother Frankie.

Once I arrived at my airport, I drove slowly to look for my older brother. If there's one thing I can do, it's too look for my brother in crowded place. It's actually really easy since he's so unique and pops out. I chuckled once I saw my older brother jumping in a white collared shirt and bright pink pants. "Ariana," He yelled and practically ran to me while still rolling his suitcase.

"Frankie!" I happily said. I unlocked the car doors and put the car in park. I got out of the car and walked to the back of the car. I gave Frankie a big hug and opened the trunk of my car. He put his suitcase in and then we both walked back to the front of the car. We both got in and turned to Jamie.

"Hey Jamie," Frankie smiled.

"Hi," Jamie smiled and tilted his head.

"He's so cute," Frankie sighed and turned back. "How have you been?" He asked me as I started driving.

"I'm good," I told him truthfully.

"How are you and Justin?" He asked me.

"Non-existent," I laughed.

"Aw, I'm sorry to hear that," He told me.

"Don't worry about it, it's for the best," I shrugged my shoulders. Frankie turned on the radio to KIIS.FM.

"L.A! We have none other than Justin Bieber in the house!" The radio host yelled.

"The irony," I rolled my eyes.

"I'll change the station," Frankie reached for the radio.

"It's fine. I told you, I'm fine."

"Hey guys," Justin chuckled. "You're very happy today."

"It's because your new song is amazing!" The radio host told Justin. "You guys, if you haven't heard about it already, Justin's new single 'What Do You Mean?' coming out tomorrow! Tell us about your single, Justin."

"Well, it's called 'What Do You Mean?' like you said and well, girls are often just flip-floppy," He whispered. "They say something and they mean something else. So ... what do you mean? I don't really know, that's why I'm asking."

"How would you describe 'What Do You Mean?'?"

"It's really uplifting, clear, poppy, but cool," he revealed. "The sounds are super expensive. Skrillex is a genius. He's super futuristic and I just love his sound. So to be able to incorporate that sound with what I'm doing has been super cool because it's new and fresh. I feel like no one has done it before. I'm very excited about it."

"I'm very excited to hear it. I'll be playing it all day tomorrow," The radio host laughed. "Let's get a bit more personal."

"Oh no," Justin joked and laughed.

I Slept With Justin Bieber ➳ JB & AGWhere stories live. Discover now