I Slept With Justin Bieber [26]

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I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! Don't forget the minimum of votes for next update is 90! Leave some comments too, I love the feedback! READ END NOTE HELLA IMPORTANT

| Recap |

I'm starting to think that Justin and I aren't made for each other. As much as I love him I don't want to be in a relationship with him where he's not happy. His happiness means everything to me and I don't want to interfere with his happiness. If he's not happy with me then I'm not going to be with him, there's no point.

Maybe it's time for me and Justin to just stop trying to make things work. We should just concentrate on Jamie and forget about us...

J | 17 Weeks |

| Justin |

"Justin, are you kidding me?" Za groaned.

"What am I doing?" I asked as I strummed the strings on my guitar.

"You're playing depressing ass music. We're supposed to be having a good time," Khalil threw a marshmallow at me.

"Dude!" I yelled back. "Leave me alone and eat your damn smores," I told them as Za, Khalil, Hailey and I stood around the bonfire in my backyard.

"Don't fight fire with fire. If I'm screaming, talk quieter. Understanding and patience. Feel the pain that I'm facing. Be like serenity, help re-position my mind. Take a chance, make a difference in my life," I sang softly as I closed my eyes causing the boys to groan.

"You need to get laid," Khalil shook his head.

"No, I don't. I have Ariana," I retorted back.

"Do you, though?" Hailey spoke up as she sat back in a lawn chair.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I snapped angrily.

"I'm sorry, my gosh. I was just asking a question. Are you guys even together?" Hailey asked putting her hands up in defense.

"I don't know. She doesn't talk to me at all unless it's about Jamie. It's not fair, though! I should be the one not talking to her! She's the one who never told me Lance was gay in the first place if she just told me that earlier, this all would've never happened," I shook my head.

"You did punch Lance..."

"Because I thought he was hitting on her! It's not my fault that I got jealous!"

"I agree with Justin on this. We all know that Justin isn't the easiest person," I glared at Za as he spoke. "Ariana should've just told him Lance was gay plus I saw how she was treating Justin at the banquet and she was completely ignoring him," Za told everyone.

At least, he understands, I thought.

"It's only been four days since she's spoken to me other than about Jamie. I'm not going to let her win this argument, she's always right, but, this time, she's wrong. She's blaming me for everything constantly when in reality it's her actions who are the cause of everything!" I began to grow frustrated. It feels as if everything I do is completely wrong and I'm the one in fault.

The last time I spoke to Ariana was about Jamie and that was two days ago. We decided that I would take care of Jamie, I told her it wasn't fair that she could just pack up and our son away from me. It took us a while, but we compromised. I looked down at the baby monitor that was in front of me, it was connected to a camera that was in the nursery. Jamie was currently sleeping, I looked at the monitor sadly because I don't want Jamie to deal with parents who constantly fight.

I Slept With Justin Bieber ➳ JB & AGWhere stories live. Discover now